UNIT2: 今日词根: cept fin ject tract
cept来自拉丁语,意思是“take,seize”与capture 有着类似的意思
reception:reception是recieve 的名词形式,意思是接待。
a bad reception means the signal isn't being recieved well. 信号不好我们可以说a bad reception
when a new novel recieves good reviews ,当新小说反响不错时,we say it met with a critical reception .
intercept :to stop ,seize or interupt 拦截,打断
这个词由前缀inter(意思是“between”)和词根cept组成,意思是拦截,打断。在古代,官员之间往来的信件由信使传递可能会因为信使被捕而被拦截.In years gone by ,letters and documents being carried between officers and officials were sometimes intercepted when the carrier was caught .
perceptible :Noticeable 可感觉到的,可理解的
这个词包括前缀“per”,意思是通过,可以理解为通过理解...,通过获得..,所以这个词的意思是可理解的,可感觉到的perceptible includes the prefix "per "meaning "through ".so the word "perceptible "refers to whatever can taken in through the sences .
susceptible :易感的,易接受的open to some influence ,responsible or submit to
这个词的前缀“sus”意思是“up”。像海绵吸水一样容易接受或吸收的就是“易接受的,易感的”with it prefix sus -"up ",susceptible means something or someone "takes up "or absorbs like a sponge
confine : to keep something or someone within limits 限制
definitive :authoritative and final限定的, 最后的,明确的,确切的
finite :having definite limits 有限的,但这个词常用于科学方面,其反义词为infinite“无限的”
infinitesimal :extremely and inmeasurablely small 极微小的
同源词:inject:throw it back 拒绝 eject:throw it out驱逐 inject :throw it into 注射
interject :插话,打断
inter 是“between”的意思。根据词根,这个词的意思是”“throw between”,也就是“插话,打断”\
conjecture :to guess 推测
前缀“con"意思是一起,所以这个词可以这么理解记忆,即通过一起抛出一些事实来推测profix "con "means "together ",so this word means "to throw together -that is to produce a theory by puting together a number of facts "
projection :规划,推测
”Pro“前缀的意思是”前“projection这个词有很多意思,但这里侧重于其”预测 规划“的意思,常用语商业或政府等this word is often used by businessness or government
trajectory :轨迹
前缀”trans‘意思是穿过,这个词的意思是轨迹。formed with a profix "trans "means across ,trajectory means a "hurling across "
tract:来自拉丁语,意思是拖拉comes from the Latin word "trahere "meaning "drag or draw "
同源词:有吸引力的 :attractive 分散注意力的,扰乱的: distractive
traction :拖拉机,牵引力
retract :收回,撤回to take back
前缀“re-再次”赋予了这个词撤回的意思the profix "re-"gives the word the meaning of "draw back "
protracted :拖长的,延长的drawn-out ,continued ,extended
从这个词的组成来看,其意思是在时间上的拖长或延长with the profix "pro ",this word means something draws forward in time
eg: Protracted strike finally crippled this company .长期的打击最终打垮了这个公司
intractable :难对付的,难处理的not easily handled/led/ or controlled
这个词可以用于人和各种难对付的 情况this word may describle both people and conditions