摘要原文:We develop a tractable general equilibrium framework in which firms are large and have market power with respect to both products and labor, and in which a firm's decisions are affected by its ownership structure. We characterize the Cournot–Walras equilibrium of an economy where each firm maximizes a share‐weighted average of shareholder utilities—rendering the equilibrium independent of price normalization. In a one‐sector economy, if returns to scale are non‐increasing, then an increase in “effective” market concentration (which accounts for common ownership) leads to declines in employment, real wages, and the labor share. Yet when there are multiple sectors, due to an intersectoral pecuniary externality, an increase in common ownership could stimulate the economy when the elasticity of labor supply is high relative to the elasticity of substitution in product markets. We characterize for which ownership structures the monopolistically competitive limit or an oligopolistic one is attained as the number of sectors in the economy increases. When firms have heterogeneous constant returns to scale technologies, we find that an increase in common ownership leads to markets that are more concentrated.
参考文献:Azar J, Vives X. General Equilibrium Oligopoly and Ownership Structure[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 999-1048.
我们研究当一个主体的先验信念被错误指定时,它是如何从内生数据中学习的。我们证明了只有一致的伯克-纳什均衡才可能是长期结果,并且对于某些初始信念,所有一致严格的伯克纳什均衡都有任意高的概率成为长期结果。当代理认为结果分布是外生的,对于任何初始信念,每个一致严格的Berk Nash均衡都有正的概率成为长期结果。我们将这些结果推广到代理在行动前观察信号的设置。
摘要原文:We study how an agent learns from endogenous data when their prior belief is misspecified. We show that only uniform Berk–Nash equilibria can be long‐run outcomes, and that all uniformly strict Berk–Nash equilibria have an arbitrarily high probability of being the long‐run outcome for some initial beliefs. When the agent believes the outcome distribution is exogenous, every uniformly strict Berk–Nash equilibrium has positive probability of being the long‐run outcome for any initial belief. We generalize these results to settings where the agent observes a signal before acting.
参考文献:Fudenberg D, Lanzani G, Strack P. Limit Points of Endogenous Misspecified Learning[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1065-1098.
摘要原文:We characterize optimal asset management contracts in a classic portfolio‐investment setting. When the agent has access to hidden savings, his incentives to misbehave depend on his precautionary saving motive. The contract dynamically distorts the agent's access to capital to manipulate his precautionary saving motive and reduce incentives for misbehavior. We provide a sufficient condition for the validity of the first‐order approach, which holds in the optimal contract: global incentive compatibility is ensured if the agent's precautionary saving motive weakens after bad outcomes. We extend our results to incorporate market risk, hidden investment, and renegotiation.
参考文献:Di Tella S, Sannikov Y. Optimal asset management contracts with hidden savings[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1099-1139.
摘要原文:We consider estimation and inference on average treatment effects under unconfoundedness conditional on the realizations of the treatment variable and covariates. Given nonparametric smoothness and/or shape restrictions on the conditional mean of the outcome variable, we derive estimators and confidence intervals (CIs) that are optimal in finite samples when the regression errors are normal with known variance. In contrast to conventional CIs, our CIs use a larger critical value that explicitly takes into account the potential bias of the estimator. When the error distribution is unknown, feasible versions of our CIs are valid asymptotically, even when ‐inference is not possible due to lack of overlap, or low smoothness of the conditional mean. We also derive the minimum smoothness conditions on the conditional mean that are necessary for ‐inference. When the conditional mean is restricted to be Lipschitz with a large enough bound on the Lipschitz constant, the optimal estimator reduces to a matching estimator with the number of matches set to one. We illustrate our methods in an application to the National Supported Work Demonstration.
参考文献:Armstrong T B, Kolesár M. Finite‐Sample Optimal Estimation and Inference on Average Treatment Effects Under Unconfoundedness[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1141-1177.
摘要原文:In response to a change, individuals may choose to follow the responses of their friends or, alternatively, to change their friends. To model these decisions, consider a game where players choose their behaviors and friendships. In equilibrium, players internalize the need for consensus in forming friendships and choose their optimal strategies on subsets of k players—a form of bounded rationality. The k‐player consensual dynamic delivers a probabilistic ranking of a game's equilibria, and via a varying k, facilitates estimation of such games.
参考文献:Badev A. Nash equilibria on (un) stable networks[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1179-1206.
摘要原文:We reconsider the microeconomic foundations of financial economics. Motivated by the importance of Knightian uncertainty in markets, we present a model that does not carry any probabilistic structure ex ante, yet is based on a common order. We derive the fundamental equivalence of economic viability of asset prices and absence of arbitrage. We also obtain a modified version of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing using the notion of sublinear pricing measures. Different versions of the efficient market hypothesis are related to the assumptions one is willing to impose on the common order.
参考文献:Burzoni M, Riedel F, Soner H M. Viability and arbitrage under knightian uncertainty[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1207-1234.
摘要原文:How does an economy's capital respond to aggregate productivity shocks when firms make lumpy investments? We show that capital's transitional dynamics are structurally linked to two steady‐state moments: the dispersion of capital to productivity ratios—an indicator of capital misallocation—and the covariance of capital to productivity ratios with the time elapsed since their last adjustment—an indicator of asymmetric costs of upsizing and downsizing the capital stock. We compute these two sufficient statistics using data on the size and frequency of investment of Chilean plants. The empirical values indicate significant effects of aggregate productivity shocks and favor investment models with a strong downsizing rigidity and random opportunities for free adjustments.
参考文献:Baley I, Blanco A. Aggregate dynamics in lumpy economies[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1235-1264.
摘要原文:A finite number of vertically differentiated firms simultaneously compete for and screen agents with private information about their payoffs. In equilibrium, higher firms serve higher types. Each firm distorts the allocation downward from the efficient level on types below a threshold, but upward above. While payoffs in this game are neither quasi‐concave nor continuous, if firms are sufficiently differentiated, then any strategy profile that satisfies a simple set of necessary conditions is a pure‐stategy equilibrium, and an equilibrium exists. A mixed‐strategy equilibrium exists even when firms are less differentiated. The welfare effects of private information are drastically different than under monopoly. The equilibrium approaches the competitive limit quickly as entry costs grow small. We solve the problem of a multi‐plant firm facing a type‐dependent outside option and use this to study the effect of mergers.
参考文献:Chade H, Swinkels J. Screening in Vertical Oligopolies[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1265-1311.
摘要原文:A profit‐maximizing seller has a single unit of a good to sell. The bidders have a pure common value that is drawn from a distribution that is commonly known. The seller does not know the bidders' beliefs about the value and thinks that beliefs are designed adversarially by Nature to minimize profit. We construct a strong maxmin solution to this joint mechanism design and information design problem, consisting of a mechanism, an information structure, and an equilibrium, such that neither the seller nor Nature can move profit in their respective preferred directions, even if the deviator can select the new equilibrium. The mechanism and information structure solve a family of maxmin mechanism design and minmax information design problems, regardless of how an equilibrium is selected. The maxmin mechanism takes the form of a proportional auction: each bidder submits a one‐dimensional bid, the aggregate allocation and aggregate payment depend on the aggregate bid, and individual allocations and payments are proportional to bids. We report a number of additional properties of the maxmin mechanisms, including what happens as the number of bidders grows large and robustness with respect to the prior over the value.
参考文献:Brooks B, Du S. Optimal Auction Design with Common Values: An Informationally Robust Approach[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1313-1360.
摘要原文:How much capital should financial intermediaries hold? We propose a general equilibrium model with a financial sector that makes risky long‐term loans to firms, funded by deposits from savers. Government guarantees create a role for bank capital regulation. The model captures the sharp and persistent drop in macro‐economic aggregates and credit provision as well as the sharp change in credit spreads observed during financial crises. Policies requiring intermediaries to hold more capital reduce financial fragility, reduce the size of the financial and non‐financial sectors, and lower intermediary profits. They redistribute wealth from savers to the owners of banks and non‐financial firms. Pre‐crisis capital requirements are close to optimal. Counter‐cyclical capital requirements increase welfare.
参考文献:Elenev V, Landvoigt T, Van Nieuwerburgh S. A macroeconomic model with financially constrained producers and intermediaries[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1361-1418.
本文提出了迭代过辨识广义矩估计的推理方法。我们提供了迭代估计存在的条件和渐近分布理论,它允许轻微的误判。矩的错误指定导致了传统GMM方差估计的偏差,这可能导致严重的过大假设检验。我们展示了如何一致地估计正确的渐近方差矩阵。我们的模拟结果表明,我们的方法在正确的规范和轻度到中度的错误规范下都是适当的。我们用Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson和Yared(2008)模型的应用来说明该方法。
摘要原文:This paper develops inference methods for the iterated overidentified Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator. We provide conditions for the existence of the iterated estimator and an asymptotic distribution theory, which allows for mild misspecification. Moment misspecification causes bias in conventional GMM variance estimators, which can lead to severely oversized hypothesis tests. We show how to consistently estimate the correct asymptotic variance matrix. Our simulation results show that our methods are properly sized under both correct specification and mild to moderate misspecification. We illustrate the method with an application to the model of Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson, and Yared (2008).
参考文献:Hansen B E, Lee S. Inference for iterated GMM under misspecification[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1419-1447.
摘要原文:What should researchers do when their baseline model is falsified? We recommend reporting the set of parameters that are consistent with minimally nonfalsified models. We call this the falsification adaptive set (FAS). This set generalizes the standard baseline estimand to account for possible falsification. Importantly, it does not require the researcher to select or calibrate sensitivity parameters. In the classical linear IV model with multiple instruments, we show that the FAS has a simple closed‐form expression that only depends on a few 2SLS coefficients. We apply our results to an empirical study of roads and trade. We show how the FAS complements traditional overidentification tests by summarizing the variation in estimates obtained from alternative nonfalsified models.
参考文献:Masten M A, Poirier A. Salvaging falsified instrumental variable models[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1449-1469.
摘要原文:This paper studies asset pricing and labor market dynamics when idiosyncratic risk to human capital is not fully insurable. Firms use long‐term contracts to provide insurance to workers, but neither side can fully commit; furthermore, owing to costly and unobservable retention effort, worker‐firm relationships have endogenous durations. Uninsured tail risk in labor earnings arises as a part of an optimal risk‐sharing scheme. In equilibrium, exposure to the tail risk generates higher aggregate risk premia and higher return volatility. Consistent with data, firm‐level labor share predicts both future returns and pass‐throughs of firm‐level shocks to labor compensation.
参考文献:Ai H, Bhandari A. Asset pricing with endogenously uninsurable tail risk[J]. Econometrica, 2021, 89(3): 1471-1505.