If you truly want to become rich, you need to make more money. Don’t even bother about saving money and investing your money at a 7% compounding rate if that takes too much time from you (in particular, time you could use to make money).
Now, two important things:
Getting rich won’t make you happier per se. You’ll need to sacrifice a lot. Work on weekends. There is no soccer on Sunday afternoon. No family lunch. No cinema with girlfriend. No nothing. Most people who live a life of balance actually work a 9-to-5 job and they manage to be 20% more savvy than the average Joe when managing their finances.
Most people are not willing to do what it takes to get rich. Getting rich is no secret. It is not something that is only available to a small fraction of people. If you live in a 1st-world country, it is available to you as long as you are moderately healthy and smart. It takes no big amounts of starting capital to get rich - what it takes, though, is a lot of work. And I mean A LOT.
So, having this in mind, ask yourself whether you truly want to become rich. Oh you do? You’re willing to do what it takes, you say?
Awesome, so the next level is to achieve one of two things:
Getting a super premium on your time. You can either work with a “handful” of clients or access the masses. To truly get rich, if you go with the former you’ll need to get a super premium on your time. You’ll need to charge every hour as if you were charging days or weeks. The good news is that this is possible, if you choose the right service to provide to people (hint: it must be something that is different from what everybody is doing, so that the market has no standard value on it).
Accessing the most people even if your margins are tight. Say you can’t charge a premium on your time. Say that you can’t charge $500-$1000 on each hour of your service, while keeping your running costs low. Then you’ll have to access a lot more people, clients and buyers whatever you wanna call it. The internet is the game changer that made this possible. It is up to you to figure out how you can capitalize on that.