No places in the world in the history of mankind boast greater populationand the amount of resources than in megacities. It seems that we are living inthe world where there is a growing number of megacities. Determining factors ofbeing a megacity encompass a range of issues, three among which may be the mostdominant ones, namely, booming economy, favourable policies, and abundantresources. Yet, these in turn, like two-edged swords, seems to be culprits formany problems.
Fast-growing economy is the first and foremost reason that triggers thebirth of megacities. It is clearly been seen from reliable statistics that megacitieslead in the economy in their home countries, with noticeably significant sharesin the state GDP. If we look into the economic performance of these cities, itis not difficult to find out that there must be a boom in the economicdevelopment in the history of these cities. It is thus undeniable that bigcompanies have headquartered, start-upshave been spawned, investment have been boosted in these business friendly city.These in return bolster the growth of the economy of the megacities. Nevertheless,we should not blind to the potential dangers brought by economic expansion. Environmentalpollution, for instance, one of the most striking and pressing ones, has been acommon concern. It will certainly have negative bearing on sustainabledevelopment of these cities and the next generations dwelling there, if it is nottackled with a long run view.
Being a megacity also requires good policy. It is not built in a day, soI believe that state and local policies act as catalyst for the rapiddevelopment of a megacity. Without effective policies, there would not been amegacity. Policies such as immigration schemes, and entrepreneurship incentiveshave great contribution to the rise of megacities. Consequently, talents bothfrom home and abroad flood in these cities, leading to the population surge. Hometo a huge number residents of different backgrounds and cultures from allcorners of the country and even the world, a megacity may become hotbed for crimes.It thus poses challenges to the governance of the city.