在了解或者调研低代码平台之前,先来认知一下,什么才是 LCAP(Low-Code Application Platform),对于 LCAP 并没有一个官方统一的定义,但是大致各个平台对它的认知都非常相似,我们可以根据各知名平台对其定义来提炼一下核心关键要素是哪些?
OutSystems 官网中 Low-Code Platform的定义如下:
“A low-code platform is a family of tools that enables the development and delivery of complete applications visually. A drag-and-drop interface is at the core of low-code platforms.”
Oracle 官网中 Low-Code Platform 定义如下:
“A Low Code stage uses a simplified interface that lets developers build applications and software that is both user-friendly and responsive. Rather than writing several lines of complex code and language structure, you can quickly and easily utilize Low Code to construct total applications with user interfaces, combinations and information.”
Gartner 中 Low-Code Platform 定义如下:
低代码平台被称为企业级低代码应用平台(Enterprise Low-Code Application Platform,即 Enterprise LCAP),是支持快速应用开发,使用陈述性、高级的编程抽象,如(基于模型驱动和元数据编程语言)实现一站式应用部署、执行和管理的应用平台。不同于传统的应用平台,它支持用户界面、业务逻辑和数据服务的开发,并以牺牲跨平台的可移植性、应用开放性为代价来提升效率。
G2 中Low-Code Platform 定义如下:
“Low-code development platforms provide development environments that allow businesses to develop software quickly with minimal coding, reducing the need for extensive coding experience. The platforms provide base-level code, scripts, and integrations so companies can prototype, build, or scale applications without developing complex infrastructures. Both developers and non-developers can use these tools to practice rapid application development with customized workflows and functionality. Some products are geared more toward developers and require coding for functionality, while others provide element libraries for design. Many products can interpret information from databases or spreadsheets and quickly create applications to access and manage information.”
- 能够生成源代码作为定制开发的基础
- 允许开发人员自定义 HTML 标记和源代码作为其主要功能
- 集成数据库、web服务或者 API 来进行数据访问连接
- 应用程序生命周期管理:自动帮助构建、检查、管理应用,从研发、生产、测试、部署等各个环节来保障质量。
- 可以拖拽的界面
- 可视化的集成开发环境(IDE)
- 多种用途:具备重用技术,模块可跨应用、跨平台
- 适应性强:具备可扩展性,能够有效应对程序使用人数增长等情况
- 安全性高:保护应用程序防止其受到危害