snippet: /'snɪpɪt,'snɪpət,ˋsnɪpɪt/ n. [C ] 1. a small piece of news, information, or conversation简短的新闻[消息,对话] 2.[口语] 无足轻重者;目空一切的年轻人
ponder: v. [I,T ]to spend time thinking carefully and seriously about a problem, a difficult question, or something that has happened仔细考虑,深思
"Miss Trunchbull!" Matilda cried, jumping about a foot in the air.
No wonder you were terrified!
But don't get me started on what she used to do.
I have kept you here far too long.
The child seemed so lost in thought she hardly looked where she was walking.
've got just a tiny little bit of an idea.