HYSPLIT-WEB (Internet-based)
Run HYSPLIT Trajectory Model (No registration required)
Run HYSPLIT Dispersion Model (includes volcanic ash)
HYSPLIT for NWS Forecast Offices (NOAA employees only - you will leave the ARL web site)
- BACKUP - HYSPLIT for NWS Forecast Offices (NOAA employees only - backup ARL site)
PC Windows-based HYSPLIT
- Download Public (unregistered) Version
- Download Registered Version (registration required)
- Graphical Utilities - These should be installed prior to HYSPLIT
- Meteorological Data Conversion Utilities
Getting Started from the Terminal Window
If Tcl/Tk has not been installed, then the model can be run from the terminal window from the ./hysplit4/working directory. Prior to the models first time use it may be necessary to copy ../bdyfiles/ASCDATA.CFG to the ./working directory.
[Command line trajectory example:]
cp sample_traj CONTROL
../exec/trajplot tdump
open trajplot.ps
Command line concentration example:
cp sample_conc CONTROL
../exec/concplot cdump
open concplot.ps
Apple-based HYSPLIT
vi data2arl/arw2arl/Makefile
LINKS = -L$(NETLIB) -lnetcdff -L../../library -lhysplit
FC = gfortran
Automated HYSPLIT Disperison Forecasts
- Automated dispersion forecasts for select locations (registration required)
HYSPLIT-compatible Meteorological Data
- NOAA ARL Archived Data
- NOAA NCEP Forecast Data Operational NOMADS Server
- NOAA ARL Forecast Data FTP Server
- University of Alaska Fairbanks GDAS Archive FTP server
On-Line Training/Help
- HYSPLIT Tutorials
- PowerPoint with notes (~9.3 Mb; Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer )
- PDF with no animation or notes (~3.8 Mb)
- HYSPLIT Applications for Emergency Decision Support (COMET)
- Dispersion Basics (COMET)
- HYSPLIT Training Workshops
- HYSPLIT Extended Tutorial Topics
[HYSPLIT USER GUIDE.pdf](http://niwc.noaa.inel.gov/EOCFSV/hysplit/hysplituserguide.pdf)
- [Original NOAA Tech. Memo ERL ARL-230 (PDF, 4.5 MB)]
- [Original NOAA Tech. Memo ERL ARL-230 (PDF, 4.5 MB)]
[HYSPLIT Cheat Sheet (pdf)](https://ready.arl.noaa.gov/documents/ppts/Cheat_Sheet_2018.pdf)
Description of the HYSPLIT_4 Modeling System (1997, PDF, 182 KB)
- AMS Paper: NOAA's HYSPLIT atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling system
- NOAA HYSPLIT Publications
- Research Papers Referencing HYSPLIT
- Web Pages Referencing HYSPLIT
- Inline WRF-HYSPLIT Coupling
- HYSPLIT Inverse Modeling
- Example HYSPLIT Products
- Verification Results using the DATEM archive
- Modeling the transport and dispersion of atmospheric tracer - 2018 (pptx)
- The HYSPLIT Model - 2013 (pptx)
User Contributions
PySPLIT (YOUKU](https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzkzMzI2NTYwNA==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1)
TraPSA (Trajectory-based Potential Source Apportionment) project
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Atmospheric Dispersion Model Simulations of Fukushima Daiichi Accident 福岛第一核电站事故
PySPLIT: a Package for the Generation, Analysis, and Visualization of HYSPLIT Air Parcel Trajectories
Mellissa Cross
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Air Resources Laboratory's HYSPLIT (HYbrid Single Particle Lagrangian Transport) model Drax98, Drax97 uses a hybrid Langrangian and Eulerian calculation method to compute air parcel trajectories and particle dispersion and deposition simulations. Air parcels are hypothetical small volumes of air with uniform characteristics. The HYSPLIT model outputs air parcel paths projected forwards or backwards in time (trajectories) and is used in a variety of scientific contexts. Here we present the first package in the mainstream scientific Python ecosystem designed to facilitate HYSPLIT trajectory analysis workflow by providing an intuitive API for generating, inspecting, and plotting trajectory paths and data.
HYSPLIT, trajectory analysis, matplotlib Basemap
- Trajectory calculation
- Trajectory plot
- Trajectory length calculation
- HYSPLIT output concentration plot
- Get meteorological data along trajectory
- Convert WRF out data to ARL data
- Convert GRIB data to ARL data
- Tropical cyclone plot
- Trajectory multi-color plot
- Tracing typhoon pathway
Post by yaqiang » July 19th, 2016, 8:38 pm
You may calculate vorticity firstly (http://www.meteothink.org/examples/me ... hdivg.html) and then extract the vorticity data along the trajectory (http://www.meteothink.org/examples/me ... _data.html).
Meteorology Output Along the Trajectory
Sets the option to write the value of certain meteorological variables along the trajectory to the trajectory
output file. The marker variables are set to (1) to turn on the option. Multiple variables may be selected
for simultaneous output but only one variable may be plotted. If multiple variables are selected in
conjunction with the trajectory display option, then only the last variable output will be shown in the
graphic. The variable output order is fixed in the program and cannot be changed.
● TM_PRES (0) - diagnostic marker variables to output atmospheric pressure (1) along the
● TM_TPOT (0) - potential temperature (1) in degrees Kelvin
● TM_TAMB (0) - ambient temperature (1) in degrees Kelvin
● TM_RAIN (0) - rainfall (1) in mm per hour
● TM_MIXD (0) - mixed layer depth (1) in meters.
● TM_RELH (0) - relative humidity (1) in percent.
● TM_DSWF (0) - downward solar radiation flux (1) in watts.
● TM_TERR (0) - terrain height (1) in meters required for the trajectory plot to show underlying
TRAJ.CFG is in /data/c02n05/forecast/shanghai/hysplit/trunk/working/
traj_back-NJ.sh 里面的时间不能跳跃
foolish fault 夏季选用了345而不是678
Ground altitude for the same point varies with start date/time**
Backward trajectories starting point: height issue
Re: how to output vorticity along the hysplit trajectory.
filename = 'YourFile.tdump';
fid = fopen(filename, 'rt');
tline = fgetl(fid);
numgrid = sscanf(tline, '%f', 1);
for gridnum = 1 : numgrid
tline = fgetl(fid); %read and discard
tline = fgetl(fid);
numtraj = sscanf(tline, '%f', 1);
for trajnum = 1 : numtraj
tline = fgetl(fid); %read and discard
tline = fgetl(fid);
parts = regexp( strtrim(tline), '\s+', 'split');
numvars = str2double(parts{1});
varnames = parts(2:end);
fmt = repmat('%f', 1, numvars + 12);
data = cell2mat( textscan(fid, fmt, 'CollectData', 1) );
traj_nums = data(:,1);
grid_nums = data(:,2);
time_of_points = datetime( [data(:,3:7), zeros(size(data,1),1)] ); %year month day hour minute stored, fill in 0 for seconds
forecast_hours = data(:,8);
traj_ages = data(:,9);
lats = data(:,10);
longs = data(:,11);
heights = data(:,12);
variable_table = array2table(data(:,13:end), 'VariableName', varnames );
pressures = variable_table.PRESSURE;
rel_humidities = variable_table.RELHUMID;