


艾揚格箴言325: It is the exploration of nature from the world of appearance, or surface, into the subtlest heart of living matter.它是對自然本性的探索,從外觀表象的世界到生命物質的微妙之心。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言326: Spirituality is not some external goal that one must seek but a part of the divine core of each of us, which we must reveal.靈性不是我們可以找尋的外在目標,而是我們一定會顯現的每個人的神聖核心部分。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言327: For yogi, spirit is not separate from body.對於瑜伽行者來說,靈性和身體是不可分的。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言328: Spirituality, as I have tried to make clear, is not ethereal and outside nature but accessible and palpable in our very own bodies.靈性,就像我試圖解釋清楚,不是虛無飄渺於自然之外,而是存於我們自身可接近的和易覺察的。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言329: A scientist sets out to conquer nature through knowledge—external nature, external knowledge.科學家提出通過知識來征服自然本性——外在的自然,外在的知識。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言330: A yogi sets out to explore his own internal nature, to penetrate the atom(atma) of being.瑜伽士開始努力探索其自身內在的自然,去洞察存在的原子本質(阿特曼)。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言331: The yogasana practice helps us to understand and learn how to play this magnificent instrument that each of us has been given.瑜伽體式練習幫助我們明白和學習如何運用我們每個人與生俱來的身體這一偉大的工具。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言332: A yogi does not gain dominion over wide lands and restless seas, but over his own recalcitrant flesh and febrile mind. 瑜伽士不去征服廣闊的陸地和洶湧的海洋,卻去征服頑固的肉體和躁熱的意識。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言333: We begin at the level of the physical body, the aspect of ourselves that is most concrete and accessible to all of us.我們從身體層面開始,我們自己的身體層面對於我們所有人是具體的和可接近的。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言334: For the yogi, the physical body corresponds to one of the elements of nature, namely the earth. We are mortal clay, and we return to dust.對於瑜伽士,身體和自然要素之一相對應,就是土。我們源於塵,歸於土。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言335: Yoga offers us techniques to become aware, to expand and penetrate, and to change and evolve in order to become competent in the lives we live and to initiate sensitivity and receptivity toward the life of which we are still only dimly aware.瑜伽提供方法讓我們變得覺知,去擴展和洞察,改變和發展以使我們更加勝任在生活中的角色,對於我們依舊僅有朦胧意識的生活,去啟迪我們的敏銳力與接受力。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言336: As you explore your own body, you are in fact exploring this element of nature itself. You are also developing the qualities of earth within yourself: solidity, shape, firmness, and strength.當你探索自己身體時,事實上你在探索這個自然元素本身。你也在發展你自身的土元素:堅固,有型,持久和力量。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言337: Physical health is not a commodity to be bargained for. Nor can it be swallowed in the form of drugs and pills. It has to be earned through sweat.身體健康不是可以討價還價的商品。它不能像藥丸一樣吞服。它需要通過汗水獲得。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言338: In asana you must align and harmonize the physical body and all the layers of the subtle emotional, mental, and spiritual body.在體式中你必須讓肉體和身體所有的精微的情感層、心理層和靈性層順位與和諧。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言339: How do we find such profound transformation in what from the outside may look simply like stretching or twisting the body into unusual positions? It begins with awareness.從外表看起來或許簡單,就像伸展或扭轉身體到不尋常的位置,我們如何發現這樣的深層轉變呢?從覺知開始。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言340: Ultimately, when all the sheaths of the body and all the parts of a person coordinate together while performing an asana, you experience the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind and also freedom from afflictions.最終,當進行體式時,若身體的所有的層和所有的部分協調一致,你將體驗意識波動的停止和從痛苦中解脫。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言341: Intelligence: the source of discernment.智性:識別力之源——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言342: Asana is perfect firmness of body, steadiness of intelligence, and benevolence of spirit.體式是身體的強健,智性的持久,精神的仁慈的完美結合。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言343: How then should we approach and practice asana in a way that leads to health and purity? What is the way that leads from flexibility on to divinity? The Yoga Sutras by the sage Patanjali provides the foundation for the yogic life.nm,我們如何着手和練習體式才能達到健康與潔淨?從柔順到神性的方法是什麼?聖哲帕坦伽利的《瑜珈經》為瑜珈行者的生活提供了依據。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言344: Interestingly it has only four verses that deal specifically with asana. Each mention then is all the more worth of close reading and deep understanding.有趣的是只有四句經文特別涉及體式。然而每一次提醒都值得仔細研讀和深刻理解。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言345: Patanjali said that asanas  bring perfection in body, beauty in form, grace, strength, compactness, and the hardness and brilliance of a diamond.帕坦伽利說體式帶來身體的完美,外型的美麗,優雅,力量,結實及鑽石般的堅硬和璀璨。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言346: Yoga sees the body quite differently than Western sports, which treats the body like a racehorse, try to push it faster and faster and competing with all bodies in speed and strength.瑜伽視身體和西方的體育完全不同,西方體育對待身體像賽馬,試圖逼它越來越快,以速度和力量與所有的身體競爭。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言347: There is more to life than mere physical pleasure and pain.對於生命絕不僅限於身體的快樂與痛苦。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言348: If you say you are your body, you are wrong.If you say you are not your body, you are also wrong. The truth is that although body is born, lives, and dies, you cannot catch a glimpse of the divine except through the body.如果你說你是你的身體,你錯了。如果你說你不是你的身體,你也錯了。事實是儘管身體經曆出生、成長和死亡,除了通過身體,你不能發覺神的一瞥。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言349: A great boon of yoga, even for relative beginners, is the happiness it brings, a state of self-reliant contentment.甚至對於相關的初學者,瑜伽巨大的恩惠是它帶來的快樂,一種自恃知足的狀態。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言350: Sometimes happiness may bring stagnation, but if freedom come from disciplined happiness, there is the possibility of true liberation.有時幸福能夠帶來停滯,但是如何自由來自自律的幸福,真正的解脫就有可能。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言351: Purity and sensitivity mean that we receive a cosmic paycheck each day of our lives. When harmony and integration begin through practice in our inner layers of being, there is immediately a beginning to harmony and integration with the world we live in.純潔與敏銳意味著我們生活的每一天吸收宇宙能量。當和諧與合一通過我們內在層次的練習出現時,就立即開始與我們生活的世界和諧與合一。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言352: Strength and flexibility allow us to keep an inner balance, but man is trying more and more to dominate the environment rather than control himself.力量和靈活使我們保持內在平衡,但人類總是越來越多地支配環境而非控制自身。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言353: purity and sensitivity benefit us not only in relation to the inward journey but in relation to our outer environment, the external world.純淨與敏銳對於我們的益處不僅關乎內心之旅,也關乎我們的外部環境,外在世界。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言354: The sweat of exertion and the insight of penetration bring us, through a process of elimination and self-cultivation, both purity and sensitivity.通過排毒和自我修身,努力的汗水和深入的內觀帶給我們的既有純淨,又有敏銳。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言355: As I have said, the body should be neither neglected nor pampered, for it is the only instruments and the only resource we are provided with which to embark on the Pursuit of Liberty.就像我說過,身體既不能忽略也不能縱容,因為它僅僅是工具,僅僅只是提供給我們著手於自由追求的資源。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言356: We think of intelligence and perception as taking place exclusively in our brains, but yoga teaches us that awareness and intelligence must permeate the body.我們考慮智性和覺知完全發生在我們的大腦,但瑜珈告訴我們智性和覺悟必須滲透到身體。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言357: We must create a marriage between the awareness of the body and that of the mind. When the two parties do not cooperate, there is unhappiness on both sides.我們必須讓身體的智慧和精神的智慧結合。如果二者不能結合,身體與精神二方面都不能快樂。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言358: Many moderns use their bodies so little that they lose the sensitivity of this bodily awareness.很多現代人極少使用他們的身體,他們失去了身體智慧的敏感性。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言359: Yoga teaches us how to infuse our movements with intelligence, transforming them into action.瑜珈教導我們將智性注入動作,將它們轉換為行動。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言360: Yoga is when you initiate an action in asana, and somewhere else in the body, something else moves without your permission.瑜伽是當你在體式中開始一個動作,有別的發生在身體之外,發生在你的許可之外。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)!

艾揚格箴言361: The moment you lose the feeling in the skin, the asana becomes dull, and the flow or current of the intelligence is lost.失去皮膚觸覺之時,就是體式變得遲鈍,智性的流動及湧現喪失之際。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言362: The sensitive awareness of the body and the intelligence of the brain and heart should be in harmony. 身體的敏感覺知和大腦與心的智性應該和諧。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言363: We must master the human emotions that we all experience just as we have discussed how to master the human body that we are all born with.我們應當掌控人都要經歷的情感,正如已經討論過的如何控制我們都與生俱來的身體。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言364: Before one can hope to quiet the mind and glimpse the soul, once must learn the breathing practices and deal with the Six Emotional Disturbances —lust, anger, greed, obsession, pride, and hatred —which so often become recurring obstacles on the journey.一个人在希望平靜內心和窺視靈魂之前,應該學習呼吸練習和處理六種情緒幹擾——慾望、憤怒、貪婪、迷戀、傲慢和憎恨——這些在修行之旅經常發生而變成循環的障礙。《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言365: We extend and redress our arm, lengthen the chest, and open the pelvis. But we also, in the process of applied learning, open our mind and intelligence.我們伸展和調整手臂,拉長胸腔,打開骨盆。但也要運用學習過程中,展現我們的意識和智性。——《艾揚格箴言》第三輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言366: An opening is like a doorway, and there is no such thing as a doorway that you can only go through one way.一個開始就像一條途径,沒有只能通過一個門道走一條道這樣的事。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言367: Practitioners of asana alone often forget that yoga is for cultivating the head and heart.單單練習體式的人常常忘記瑜伽是為了灌溉、滋養頭腦和內心。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言368: Friendliness and grace are two qualities that are essential for the yoga student.友善和優雅是瑜伽學生必備的兩項品質。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言369: The highest level is characterized as relentless, inexorable, a total investment of oneself in practice.最高水平是具有堅持不懈、不屈不撓的特性,把自己全部的時間投入到練習上。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言370: You have to ask yourself, using your intelligence and your willpower, can I do a little better than I am doing? Light comes to a person who extends his awareness a little more than seems possible.你得問問自己,以你的智性和毅力,我能做的比現在更好嗎?光照在擴展意識的人身上,比看起来可能多一點。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言371: The "rat race" has created much unnecessary tension both within and around us.激烈的競爭造成了我們內在和外部不必要的緊張。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言372: Because of this fast life, we are neglecting the body and the mind. The body and mind are beginning to pull each other in opposite detections, dissipating our energy.因為快節奏的生活,我們忽略了身體與心靈。身、心開始向相反的方向牽拉,消耗了我們的能量。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言373: We do not know to recharge our batteries of energy. As a result, we become careless and callous.我們不知道如何為能量電池充電。結果是我們變得粗心和麻木。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言374: We cannot eliminate stress and tension from our lives.我們無法消除生活中的壓力和緊張。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言375: There is nothing in this world free from stress until death.在这个世界上没有什么免於压力,直到死亡。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言376: Obviously the key to overcoming stress is to calm and strengthen the nervous system.顯然,克服壓力的關鍵是平靜內心和加強神經系統。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言377: The practice of asana and pranayama not only de-stress you, but energize and invigorate the nerves and the mind in order to handle the stress that comes from the caprices of life.體式和調息的練習不僅消除你的緊張,而且激勵和鼓舞士氣,振奮精神,以應對來自生活的反復無常的壓力。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言378: Meditation (dhyana) is an essential part of yoga, and potentially there is dhyana in every aspect or petal of yoga.冥想(迪亚纳)是瑜伽极为重要的一部分,迪亚纳可能存在于瑜伽每一层面或者每一花瓣上。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言379: Meditation is related to the higher mental faculty for which one needs preparation. Learning asanas certainly helps.冥想与更高的精神能力有关,需要預修。学习体位法必定有帮助。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言380: If you are dejected mentally, you can do Setu Bandha Sarvanyasana for ten minutes, and your depression disappears, though you do not know how this transformation has occurred.如果你精神沮丧,可以做十分钟橋式,忧郁就會消失,尽管你不知道如何发生的這個转变。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言381: The techniques of yoga give you the opportunity to capture energy from the outside as well as from the inside and to use that energy for your personal evolution.瑜伽的方法给你機會從外部獲取能量,就像从內部获取一樣好,並將能量用於你的个人发展。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言382: The practice of asana clears the inner channels for prana to move freely and uninterruptedly.體式練習清潔內部的通道,使呼吸流動自由和連綿不斷。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言383: Death is certain. Let it come when it comes. Just keep working.死亡是必定的。讓它该来就来。繼續工作。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言384: The Soul has no age. It doesn't die. Only the body decays.灵魂没有年龄。它不会死亡。只有肉身會腐烂。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言385: We must never forget the body, since it is the garden we must cherish and cultivate.我們決不忘记身体,因为它是我们必须珍愛和培育的花园。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言386: Freedom is about dropping the shackles of fear and desire. When freedom comes, there is no anxiety, no nervousness.自由是放下恐惧和欲望的束縛。当自由出現,没有挂碍,没有緊張不安。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言387: The sustained practice of pranayama liberates one from fear, including even the fear of death.持续的呼吸控制法的练习使人从恐惧中解放出来,甚至包括對死亡的恐惧。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言388: Prana is the great life force of the universe. There is a witness inside us all that we call the Seer or the Soul. To remain in the body, even this seer depends on breath. They arrive together at birth, and they leave together, departing at death.


艾揚格箴言389:  Our minds are truly one of the greatest creations in God's world, but they are easily disoriented and set spinning.我们的意思肯定是上帝世界里最伟大的作品,但它们容易迷失和处于晕头转向。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言390: All behavior, both constructive and destructive, is dependent on our thoughts.所有的行為,建設性的和毀滅性的,都依賴於我們的思想。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言391: The study of mind and consciousness, therefore, lies at the heart of yoga.心靈與意識的研究,因此,根植於心瑜伽。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言392: In the precision of the Sanskrit, mind is described as an aspect or part of consciousness.用梵文精確表達,心念被描述為一方面或者部分的意識。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言393: As one has to keep the water of a lake clean, so it is yoga's job to clean and calm the thought waves that disturbs our awareness.因為人必須保持湖水乾淨,所以瑜伽的任務是潔淨和平靜思緒的波動,它們擾亂我們的知覺。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言394: Samadhi is an experience, which Patankali makes clearis worth struggling to reach.三摩地是一种体验,帕坦伽利明确表示,值得努力达成。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言395: Samadhi is a state of being in which you cannot do. 三摩地是一種無為的存在狀態。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言396: With your true dedication to yoga, I am always with you.你真正地投身瑜伽,我永遠陪伴你。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言397: The goal of all asana practice is doing them from the core of your being and extending out dynamically through to the periphery of your body.所有體式練習旨在從身體存在的核心開始,充滿活力地延伸到身體的外圍表層。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言398: As you stretch, in turn the periphery relates messages back to the core. From head to heels, you must find your center, and from this center you must extend and expand longitudinally and latitudinally. 當你伸展時,依次將表層涉及的信息傳遞回核心。從頭頂到腳跟,你必須找到你的中心,從這個中心,你要縱向伸展和橫向擴展。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言399: If extension is from the intelligence of t he brain, expansion is from the intelligence of the heart. 如果伸展是源於頭腦的智力,擴展就是源於心的智性。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言400: While doing asana, both the intellectual intelligence and the emotional intelligence have to meet and work together.


艾揚格箴言401: Extension is attention, and expansion is awareness, I often say, It is the bringing of attention and awareness to the tips of your body and activating the skin.伸展是關注,擴展是察覺,我經常說,它是帶著關注和察覺到達你身體的末梢並激活皮膚。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言402: While practicing the asana, it is very important to develop the sensitivity in the skin.練習體式時,擴展皮膚的敏感性極其重要。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言403: One has to create room between the skin and the underlying tissue so that there is no friction between them.習練者必須創造皮膚與皮下組織的空間,這樣它們之間沒有摩擦。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言404: The stretch should bring the sensitivity and experience of creating space in every direction.伸展應該帶來在每個方向創造空間的敏感力和體驗。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言405: Over stretching occurs when one loses contact with one's center, with the divine core.当習練者失去了與自身的中心,與神聖的核心的連接,超伸就發生了。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言406: Do not fixate on how far you want to stretch, but in doing the stretch correctly.不要凝固於你想伸展多遠,而要做正確的伸展。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言407: Do not focus on where you want to go but on going as far as you can with dynamic extension.不要只專注於你想到達的位置,而要盡可能的充滿活力地擴展。


艾揚格箴言408:Always try to extend and expand the body. Extensions and expansion bring space, and space brings freedom. 總是設法伸展與擴展身體。伸展和擴展帶來空間,空間帶來自由。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言409: Freedom is precision, and precision is divine.自由成為精准,而精准成為非凡。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言410: From freedom of the body comes freedom of th e mind and then the Ultimate Freedom.從身體的自由到心靈的自由,再到終極的自由。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言411: The Ultimate Freedom that yoga works toward can be tasted in our own bodies, as each limb gains independence, flexibility, and freedom from its neighboring limbs.瑜伽努力實現的終極自由可以在我們自己的身體里品味,如同每一個肢體從它相鄰的肢體獲得獨立、靈活和自由。

艾揚格箴言412: The movement of the skin gives the understanding of the asana. You must feel the extension to the limits of your skin.皮肤的运动给予体式的理解。你必须感受到扩展到你皮肤的极限。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言413: As I have said, the skin is the brain of the body, telling what is happening everywhere就像我曾经说过,皮肤是身体的大脑,告诉身体各处发生了什么。.——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言414: When you extend to your skin, you are also extending your nerve endings.當你延伸至你的皮膚,你也在延伸你的神經末梢。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)


艾揚格箴言415: Practice asanas by creating space in the muscles and skin, so that the body fits into the asana.通過在肌肉和皮膚之間創造空間來練習體式,這樣身體與體式相連接、融為一體。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言416: When there is strain, the practice of yoga is purely physical and leads toward imbalances and misjudgment.當存在緊張,瑜伽的練習就是單純身體上的,會導致失衡和誤判。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言417: When you have extended to the extreme, live in that asana, and experience the joy of freedom in that asana.當你已經伸展到極限,安住於體式,並在體式中體驗自由的歡樂。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言418: While stretching, you must always create space and extend from your center.在伸展時,你必須每次從你的中心創造空間和進行延展。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言419: Horizontal expansion and vertical extension should synchronize so that you are extending in all directions.水平擴張和縱向 擴展必須同步進行,以便你往各個方向延展。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言420: Freedom in a posture is when every joint is active.體式中的自由可謂每個關節都是靈活的。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言421: In postures it is important to study how far our awareness is extending from the center, how far it penetrates.體式中重要的是覺察我們的意識從核心能擴展多遠,能穿透多遠。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言422: As the river flows to the sea uninterrupted, our extension should be one single action with single attention.就像河水流入海洋不被打擾,我們的伸展應該是單一專注的單個行動。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言423: Like the river, your movements should be in that one single action from start to finish. In this way, the energy in our nervous systems flows like the river.如同河水,你的運動從開始到結束都應該處在單一的行動中。這樣,我們神經系統的能量像河水一樣流動。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言424: As you extend, see whether the energy flows without interruption or not. Everywhere you extend, you are going toward the cosmos.當你伸展時,觀察能量流動是否有阻礙。每次你伸展的地方,你都是在伸向宇宙。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)



艾揚格箴言425: Look at the soul, not the Ego.審視靈魂,而不是自我。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言426: This is silence in action, relaxation in action.這是行動中的沈寂,行動中的放鬆。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言427: Notice your eyes as well, as you hold the stretch. Tenseness of the eyes also affects the brain. If the eyes are still and silent, the brain is still and passive.保持伸展時還要留意眼睛。眼睛的緊張也會影響大腦。如果眼晴是靜止和沈寂的,頭腦就是靜止和被動的。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言428: The brain can learn only when it begins to relax.只有在大腦開始放鬆時才能學習。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言429: The eyes should be soft and sunk in. Keep the eyes open and relaxed at the same time looking backwards during your practice.眼睛應該是放鬆和向內陷入。在練習中保持眼睛睜開和放鬆,同時往回看。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言430: This looking backwar d educates the eyes to look within and allows you to observe your body and brain.這種反向看訓練眼睛進行內觀,讓你去觀察你的身體和大腦。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言431: Let your eyes be like flowers, blossoming. Feeling is looking, looking is feeling. You have to feel with your eyes open.讓你的眼睛像花兒一樣綻放。邊感覺邊看,邊邊看邊感覺。你必須得睜開眼睛去感覺。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

艾揚格箴言432: We are seeking the balance of polarity, not the antagonism of duality.我們尋求的是兩極的平衡,而非二元對立。——《艾揚格箴言》第四輯(于伽編譯)

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