02 能量:文明的标尺和钥匙
作为科技史的重要线索之一,能量是衡量文明的标尺(Ian Morris & Nikolai Kardashev),人类的发展历程就是能量持续正循环的过程;个体的进步要看是否能放大自己进步的台阶(能量使用效率),人类的进步则要靠能量总量的提升,效率和总量同等重要。
Energy is the core clue of technology history as it is the scale of our civilisation (Ian Morris & Nikolai Kardashev). The history of humankind is the history of positive energy cycle. As personal development depends upon magnifying every piece of our achievement, i.e. an energy efficiency issue, the evolvement of mankind extols the surge of total energy. In this case, efficiency and quantity have gained relatively equal importance.