一. 词汇学习
1. vaporize 使汽化,蒸发
例句:Nearly 80 percent of the building were vaporized.
2. 与日本有关的词:
Zen 禅,禅宗
No future, no past. All is now.
samurai 武士 a samurai sword 武士刀
3. go against the grain 违背原则;与……格格不入
例句:He always went against the grain. Always.
4. take up the slack = pick up the slack 〔通过充分利用金钱、空间、人员等〕提高效率
例句:Without another contract to help pick up the slack, employees may face job losses.
类似的表达:streamline= integrate= improve
5. race: 和……比赛;快速移动
例句:She'll be racing against some of the world's top athletes.
书中用到的是 “快速移动”用法。
例句:I raced home, scurried down to the basement, ripped open the box. (几个动词的并列使用,十分有画面感)
6.秒表 stopwatch
棉花糖 marshmallow
二. 心动的句子
1. You cannot travel the path until you have become the path yourself.
2.Warmed by a sun inside you'll see wonders.
3. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory...without victory, there is no survival. ---- Winston Churchill
最近的压力比较大,作为一名培训机构的英语老师,在职场上,似乎真的得抱着这种心态。想起之前看的有关于丘吉尔的电影 Darkest Hour, 以及高中历史课本上他的形象,会给人以激励。随着老师的增多,自己必须要更加优秀,才可以脱颖而出。首先要拼干货,除此之外,我一直认为英语学来不仅仅是为了应对考试的,是来帮我们有更加广阔的视野来看待这个世界的。所以,这些东西就是可以讲给学生听的。知识可能会忘记,但是老师带来的态度是格局是可以激发一个人的。
4. Work first, mourn second.
5. I stammered, and stuttered, and said yes.
两个表示 结结巴巴地说的动词,押了头韵,似乎还有点尾韵。
6. The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
就是我们汉语中 “不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海”的意思。世界上的事情,最怕的就是坚持二字。
三. 困惑的句子
1. Consider the lilies of the field...they neither toil nor spin.
文中看到这个句子出现了好几次,所以做了查询,原来这个句子来自于 《圣经》。意思大概是,花朵不需要劳作,也不需要纺纱,就有人给他们浇水,施肥,有人倾心照顾他们。然而,人则不是这样的。