
The English version follows the Chinese version.









尊敬的审判员,计时员,对手,我是Alan Deutsch,正方辩论队的第一个发言人。


我们的世界已经见证无数改变了我们的生活方式的发明和革命。从灯泡到互联网,如果所有这些创造都不存在,生活将会有极大的不同。但是,这些发明都没有直接的负面影响。如果这些发明失败了,那么他们就是单纯地失败了; 没有更多,没有更少。然而,在(基因)医疗领域,一切都不同。一旦失败可能会永久性地严重地改变某人的遗传结构。尽管人们一开始可能会不知道,隐藏的疾病和不正常现象可能会在几代人身上继续,最终感染整个家族。






令人敬仰的裁判员,尊敬的计时员和杰出的对手,我的名字是Alan Deutsch。我是反方团队的第一位发言人。







Alan Deutsch (13)








Honorable Adjudicators, timekeeper, opponents, I'm Alan Deutsch, the first speaker for the affirmative team.

Since the dawn of civilization humans have become more and more unique. In terms of races, religions, and social views, every person is varying in height, intelligence, and other genetic traits. The same unique genetic traits, that genetic technologies are trying to extinguish.

Our world has seen countless inventions and revolutions that have changed the way we live. From the light bulb, to the internet, if all of these creations weren't around, life would be drastically different. But, all these inventions had no direct negative effect; if they failed, then they failed; nothing more, nothing less. Yet, in the medical field, all things change. A failure could possibly seriously change someone's genetic structure, permanently. Although unaware at first, hidden diseases and irregularities may be carried on after generations, eventually infecting an entire family tree.

Through social media, tv documentaries, and the internet, our society has seen countless examples of the encouragement towards embracing uniqueness. Yet, what good would genetic enhancement do if it were to allow humans to modify their unborn offspring. Through genetic technologies, humans will be given the choice to create what are known as “designer” babies, an unborn child given unnatural special traits through transfer of genes. This is absolutely unacceptable. Who knows, in decades, one could be able to buy their baby, allowing them to pay more for enhancing modifications. These “designer” babies promote idealism of humans. Implementing genetic enhancements will not be cheap is a given, encouraging a “you get what you pay for society,” on an extreme level. Something that will further separate rich from poor, capable, from incapable.

Thus allowing wealthier citizens to enhance their own or future offspring's physical and mental traits further strengthening the already secular border between rich and poor. In time, the world's  jobs and economy will be dominated by genetically enhanced humans, due to their mental and social superiority. Since their children will also be gifted the same traits, the world will be structured on an “emperor type” basis. Giving power only to those who inherited it, not earned it. This government structure was abandoned long ago, and the countries that still adopt it, often struggle. Changing genes not only makes life harder for poor people, it also digs a hole for them that they may never climb out of. They have no chance when put up against the genetic giants.

Everyone is different, as I mentioned before, everyone is unique in their own way. So do perfect humans promote a perfect society?



Admirable adjudicators, valued timekeeper, and worthy opponents, my name is Alan Deutsch. I am the first speaker for the negative team.

Through numerous supporting ethical and moral reasons, it is evident to prominently state that human genetic technologies must not be prohibited. After having countered many of my opponent's arguments, I will now back up my argument with the ethical concerns of prohibiting genetic implementation.

In our world, humans have always been advancing. While also taking risks for the better. Look at where we are now, our world has grown at such an exponential state. As humans, we must stay open-minded. An open-minded society is how we succeed. An open-minded society is how we innovate and create. If we closed all doors and possibilities, if we closed all opportunities, how far would we be?

Not. Very. Far.

Throughout the time of the Renaissance, the cultural bridge between medieval times and our modern world, people doubted. People were appalled by the far fetched ideas and discoveries made by the scientists and philosophers. People were stricken by the risk and “chance” that came along with change. But where would we be without it. The answer is… no where. Change is the essence of human life, ever since homo sapiens were mere cave men, from discovering fire to inventing the wheel… change is what segregates us from any other species.

Now, as we are on the verge of discovering what could end some of humanity's greatest issues, there is “concern” as to why take the risk of implementing genetic technologies. But I say, then why did we go to the moon? Which turned out to be one of the milestones of the twentieth century. And was there risk involved? Yes! Many lives were at stake, some were even lost, but in return we gained knowledge and hope that impacted our society more than ever before.

With all the theories and foundations completed, genetic implementation is not only within reach, but well underway. But it is facing a massive hurdle: the public's approval. Which frankly leaves me dumbfounded, because permanently curing the most deadly and harmful diseases sounds good to me. Now my opponent might say that there is much risk to come with curing these diseases, but that is very much the opposite, since genetic technology had been first experimented with (50 years ago), the world has learned much from past experiences such as dolly the sheep. And although the sheep only lived half a normal sheep's lifespan, we learned from our mistakes and now know where we went wrong. All the groundwork has been finished and risk has been reduced to a minimal, so why wait, there's nothing holding us back.

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