我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持6个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松的方式提升自己的听力? 跟我一起每天听写电影吧!
Unlike you, she's tall, blonde and used to be an Olympic swimmer.
blonde这个词, 有几种不同的搭配都可以表示相同的意思
She's blonde
She has blonde hair
Her hair is blonde
She's a blonde
前边3个用法, blonde都是形容词, 最后1个用法, blonde是名词.
注意usage note, 一般女士的金色头发才用blonde, 男士的话用blond.
我们又一次看到不同词典上不同的观点. 上边是牛津, 认为最好男女都用blond. 下边是vocabulary.com, 认为女的用blonde没啥问题.
我觉得blonde大部分时候是没有贬义的, 比如在视频中就没有贬义.
不过呢, 像这种offensive, derogatory, rude的用法, 大家一定要特别留意. 我们在和外国人交流的时候, 一个句子说的不地道, 没关系, 我们本来就是ESL. 但是如果你说的冒犯到别人, 管你是不是ESL, 别人心里肯定是不爽的.
从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.
1 So you're keeping busy? You're not lonely?
2 Oh, not at all. I've had outings with Leonard and Raj in the evening, and-- oh, I had lunch with Dr. Nowitzki.
3 -Who's he? -Oh, Dr. Nowitzki is a woman.
4 Oh. Really? Uh, when did you meet her?
5 Many years ago. Back when she was a grad student.
6 She's always been a huge fan of my work, and now she's doing research at Caltech.
7 -Huge fan, you say? -Yes. I think you'd like her.
8 She's extremely intelligent, just like you.
9 Unlike you, she's tall, blonde and used to be an Olympic swimmer.
10 That's terrific. I'll call you right back.
11 -Oh, hey, Amy. -I gave you one job!
12 Keep an eye on him. How hard is that?
13 We thought you meant not letting him run out into traffic.
14 Which he only did once.