- 这是个什么词?
英英释义:to be expected; natural, reasonable, or forgivable
例句:It's perfectly understandable. Thank you anyway.
- 为什么选这个词?
“understandable”是形容词,它有两个意思,一个是“易懂的”,同义词是 comprehensible;一个是“可以理解的”,是我们今天重点学习的。这个词看似简单,但很多基础不错的英语学习者都不会使用。它可以体现使用者的同理心,起到很好的沟通效果。一般可以在 understandable 前加 perfectly 和 totally 来增强语气。
我们经常会请别人帮忙,而别人总会由于这样那样的原因无法帮助我们。这时候我们可以说 Thank you all the same 或 Thank you anyway。我们还可以用 understandable,让对方感觉没有压力:
It's perfectly understandable. Thank you anyway.
It's understandable that you have so much work to do towards the end of the year and cannot help me. Thank you anyway.
造句:It is understandable that you say something like that.You're doing so for the sake of me.
类似地,当别人答应你做一件事情,但由于某个突然的原因无法履行承诺时,也可以用 understandable 来表示“没事,我理解”:
It's totally understandable. Things happen. Don't worry about it.
造句:It's totally understandable. Everybody makes mistakes. Don't be upset.
如果你是团队负责人,当你的下属犯了某个错误时,就可以用 understandable 安慰他不必过于担心。比如:
The mistake is totally understandable. It's a minor one anyway. Be careful next time.
This is a perfectly understandable mistake. Nobody has experience in handling the situation. We will certainly get better next time.
不难看出,会用 understandable 这个词可以体现一个人的同理心和领导力,更容易和别人建立信任的关系。这个词也可以说明,高质量的表达很多时候不在词汇量,而是真正掌握了一个词的精髓,能够在恰当的语境自然使用。
- 怎样学会使用这个词?
(参考翻译:It's understandable that you are a few minutes late. The traffic is horrible today.
造句:It is understandable that you say something like that.You're doing so for the sake of me.
造句:It's totally understandable. Everybody makes mistakes. Don't be upset.