(1).init(key, default, type=None, comment=None)
Initializes key to the given default value.
If type is not provided, the type of the default value will be used.
If a value is already set for the section at key, it will be coerced to type.
If a comment is provided, it may be written out to the config file in a manner consistent with the active Format.
(2).read(*sources, **kwargs)
Reads config values.
If sources are provided, read only from those sources. Otherwise, write to the sources in sources. A format for sources can be set using format.
如果提供了来源,请从这些来源中读取。否则,写入源中sources。一种用于格式 源可以使用设置格式。
(3)sync(*sources, **kwargs)
Reads from sources and writes any changes back to the first source.
If sources are provided, syncs only those sources. Otherwise, syncs the sources in sources.
format can be used to override the format used to read/write from the sources.
(4)get(key, default=None)
If key exists, returns the value. Otherwise, returns default.
If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises an exception.