It's Tuesday.
And in the morning Jack was still sleeping limp and flat on the same spot where he had been sleeping when Laura went to bed. The next night was still, too, and again they all slept soundly. That morning Pa said he felt as fresh as a daisy, and he was going to do a little scouting along the creek. He chained Jack to the ring in the house wall, and he took his gun and went out of sight down the creek road. Laura and Mary and Ma could not do anything but wait until he came back. They stayed in the house and wished he would come. The sunshine had never moved so slowly on the floor as it did that day. But he did come back. Late in the afternoon he came. And everything was all right. He had gone far up and down the creek and had seen many deserted Indian camps. All the Indians had gone away, except a tribe called the Osages. In the woods Pa had met an Osage who could talk to him. This Indian told him that all the tribes except the Osages had made up their minds to kill the white people who had come into the Indian country. And they were getting ready to do it when the lone Indian came riding into their big powwow. That Indian had come riding so far and fast because he did not want them to kill the white people. He was an Osage, and they called him a name that meant he was a great soldier. " Soldat du Che," Pa said his name was. Pa said that he had kept arguing with them day and night, till all the other Osages had agreed with him, and then he had stood up and had told the other tribes that if they had started to massacre us, the Osages would fight them. That was what had made so much noise, that last terrible night. The other tribes were howling at the Osages, and the Osages were howling back at them. The other tribes did not dare fight Soldat du Che and all his Osages, so next day they went away. Pa said that that was one good Indian. No matter what Mr. Scott said, Pa did not believe that the only good Indian was a dead Indian.