Python、Numpy 教程笔记



for x in arr:

    if x < pivot:



x for x in arr if x < pivot


(循环)Loops: 你可以循环遍历列表的元素,如下所示:

animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'monkey']

for animal in animals:


# Prints "cat", "dog", "monkey", each on its own line.

如果要访问循环体内每个元素的索引,请使用内置的 enumerate 函数:

animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'monkey']

for idx, animal in enumerate(animals):

    print('#%d: %s' % (idx + 1, animal))

# Prints "#1: cat", "#2: dog", "#3: monkey", each on its own line

列表推导式(List comprehensions): 编程时,我们经常想要将一种数据转换为另一种数据。 举个简单的例子,思考以下计算平方数的代码:

nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

squares = []

for x in nums:

    squares.append(x ** 2)

print(squares)  # Prints [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

你可以使用 列表推导式 使这段代码更简单:

nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

squares = [x ** 2 for x in nums]

print(squares)  # Prints [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]


nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

even_squares = [x ** 2 for x in nums if x % 2 == 0]

print(even_squares)  # Prints "[0, 4, 16]"


(循环)Loops: 迭代词典中的键很容易:

d = {'person': 2, 'cat': 4, 'spider': 8}

for animal in d:

    legs = d[animal]

    print('A %s has %d legs' % (animal, legs))

# Prints "A person has 2 legs", "A cat has 4 legs", "A spider has 8 legs"


d = {'person': 2, 'cat': 4, 'spider': 8}

for animal, legs in d.items():

    print('A %s has %d legs' % (animal, legs))

# Prints "A person has 2 legs", "A cat has 4 legs", "A spider has 8 legs"

字典推导式(Dictionary comprehensions): 类似于列表推导式,可以让你轻松构建词典数据类型。例如:

nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

even_num_to_square = {x: x ** 2 for x in nums if x % 2 == 0}

print(even_num_to_square)  # Prints "{0: 0, 2: 4, 4: 16}"



animals = {'cat', 'dog'}

print('cat' in animals)  # Check if an element is in a set; prints "True"

print('fish' in animals)  # prints "False"

animals.add('fish')      # Add an element to a set

print('fish' in animals)  # Prints "True"

print(len(animals))      # Number of elements in a set; prints "3"

animals.add('cat')        # Adding an element that is already in the set does nothing

print(len(animals))      # Prints "3"

animals.remove('cat')    # Remove an element from a set

print(len(animals))      # Prints "2"


循环(Loops): 遍历集合的语法与遍历列表的语法相同;但是,由于集合是无序的,因此不能假设访问集合元素的顺序:

animals = {'cat', 'dog', 'fish'}

for idx, animal in enumerate(animals):

    print('#%d: %s' % (idx + 1, animal))

# Prints "#1: fish", "#2: dog", "#3: cat"

集合推导式(Set comprehensions): 就像列表和字典一样,我们可以很容易地使用集合理解来构造集合:

from math import sqrt

nums = {int(sqrt(x)) for x in range(30)}

print(nums)  # Prints "{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}"


元组是(不可变的)有序值列表。 元组在很多方面类似于列表; 其中一个最重要的区别是元组可以用作字典中的键和集合的元素,而列表则不能。 这是一个简单的例子:

d = {(x, x + 1): x for x in range(10)}  # Create a dictionary with tuple keys

t = (5, 6)        # Create a tuple

print(type(t))    # Prints "<class 'tuple'>"

print(d[t])      # Prints "5"

print(d[(1, 2)])  # Prints "1"



def sign(x):

    if x > 0:

        return 'positive'

    elif x < 0:

        return 'negative'


        return 'zero'

for x in [-1, 0, 1]:


# Prints "negative", "zero", "positive"


def hello(name, loud=False):

    if loud:

        print('HELLO, %s!' % name.upper())


        print('Hello, %s' % name)

hello('Bob') # Prints "Hello, Bob"

hello('Fred', loud=True)  # Prints "HELLO, FRED!"



class Greeter(object):

    # Constructor

    def __init__(self, name): = name  # Create an instance variable

    # Instance method

    def greet(self, loud=False):

        if loud:

            print('HELLO, %s!' %


            print('Hello, %s' %

g = Greeter('Fred')  # Construct an instance of the Greeter class

g.greet()            # Call an instance method; prints "Hello, Fred"

g.greet(loud=True)  # Call an instance method; prints "HELLO, FRED!"



numpy数组是一个值网格,所有类型都相同,并由非负整数元组索引。 维数是数组的排名; 数组的形状是一个整数元组,给出了每个维度的数组大小。


import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3])  # Create a rank 1 array

print(type(a))            # Prints "<class 'numpy.ndarray'>"

print(a.shape)            # Prints "(3,)"

print(a[0], a[1], a[2])  # Prints "1 2 3"

a[0] = 5                  # Change an element of the array

print(a)                  # Prints "[5, 2, 3]"

b = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])    # Create a rank 2 array

print(b.shape)                    # Prints "(2, 3)"

print(b[0, 0], b[0, 1], b[1, 0])  # Prints "1 2 4"


import numpy as np

a = np.zeros((2,2))  # Create an array of all zeros

print(a)              # Prints "[[ 0.  0.]

                      #          [ 0.  0.]]"

b = np.ones((1,2))    # Create an array of all ones

print(b)              # Prints "[[ 1.  1.]]"

c = np.full((2,2), 7)  # Create a constant array

print(c)              # Prints "[[ 7.  7.]

                      #          [ 7.  7.]]"

d = np.eye(2)        # Create a 2x2 identity matrix

print(d)              # Prints "[[ 1.  0.]

                      #          [ 0.  1.]]"

e = np.random.random((2,2))  # Create an array filled with random values

print(e)                    # Might print "[[ 0.91940167  0.08143941]

                            #              [ 0.68744134  0.87236687]]"



切片(Slicing): 与Python列表类似,可以对numpy数组进行切片。由于数组可能是多维的,因此必须为数组的每个维指定一个切片:

import numpy as np

# Create the following rank 2 array with shape (3, 4)

# [[ 1  2  3  4]

#  [ 5  6  7  8]

#  [ 9 10 11 12]]

a = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])

# Use slicing to pull out the subarray consisting of the first 2 rows

# and columns 1 and 2; b is the following array of shape (2, 2):

# [[2 3]

#  [6 7]]

b = a[:2, 1:3]

# A slice of an array is a view into the same data, so modifying it

# will modify the original array.

print(a[0, 1])  # Prints "2"

b[0, 0] = 77    # b[0, 0] is the same piece of data as a[0, 1]

print(a[0, 1])  # Prints "77"

整数索引与切片索引混合使用。 但是,这样做会产生比原始数组更低级别的数组。 请注意,这与MATLAB处理数组切片的方式完全不同:

import numpy as np

# Create the following rank 2 array with shape (3, 4)

# [[ 1  2  3  4]

#  [ 5  6  7  8]

#  [ 9 10 11 12]]

a = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])

# Two ways of accessing the data in the middle row of the array.

# Mixing integer indexing with slices yields an array of lower rank,

# while using only slices yields an array of the same rank as the

# original array:

row_r1 = a[1, :]    # Rank 1 view of the second row of a

row_r2 = a[1:2, :]  # Rank 2 view of the second row of a

print(row_r1, row_r1.shape)  # Prints "[5 6 7 8] (4,)"

print(row_r2, row_r2.shape)  # Prints "[[5 6 7 8]] (1, 4)"

# We can make the same distinction when accessing columns of an array:

col_r1 = a[:, 1]

col_r2 = a[:, 1:2]

print(col_r1, col_r1.shape)  # Prints "[ 2  6 10] (3,)"

print(col_r2, col_r2.shape)  # Prints "[[ 2]

                            #          [ 6]

                            #          [10]] (3, 1)"

整数数组索引: 使用切片索引到numpy数组时,生成的数组视图将始终是原始数组的子数组。 相反,整数数组索引允许你使用另一个数组中的数据构造任意数组。 这是一个例子:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1,2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])

# An example of integer array indexing.

# The returned array will have shape (3,) and

print(a[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0]])  # Prints "[1 4 5]"


# The above example of integer array indexing is equivalent to this:

print(np.array([a[0, 0], a[1, 1], a[2, 0]]))  # Prints "[1 4 5]"

# When using integer array indexing, you can reuse the same

# element from the source array:

print(a[[0, 0], [1, 1]])  # Prints "[2 2]"


# Equivalent to the previous integer array indexing example

print(np.array([a[0, 1], a[0, 1]]))  # Prints "[2 2]"


import numpy as np

# Create a new array from which we will select elements

a = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10, 11, 12]])

print(a)  # prints "array([[ 1,  2,  3],

          #                [ 4,  5,  6],

          #                [ 7,  8,  9],

          #                [10, 11, 12]])"

# Create an array of indices

b = np.array([0, 2, 0, 1])

# Select one element from each row of a using the indices in b

print(a[np.arange(4), b])  # Prints "[ 1  6  7 11]"

# Mutate one element from each row of a using the indices in b

a[np.arange(4), b] += 10

print(a)  # prints "array([[11,  2,  3],

          #                [ 4,  5, 16],

          #                [17,  8,  9],

          #                [10, 21, 12]])

布尔数组索引: 布尔数组索引允许你选择数组的任意元素。通常,这种类型的索引用于选择满足某些条件的数组元素。下面是一个例子:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1,2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])

bool_idx = (a > 2)  # Find the elements of a that are bigger than 2;

                    # this returns a numpy array of Booleans of the same

                    # shape as a, where each slot of bool_idx tells

                    # whether that element of a is > 2.

print(bool_idx)      # Prints "[[False False]

                    #          [ True  True]

                    #          [ True  True]]"

# We use boolean array indexing to construct a rank 1 array

# consisting of the elements of a corresponding to the True values

# of bool_idx

print(a[bool_idx])  # Prints "[3 4 5 6]"

# We can do all of the above in a single concise statement:

print(a[a > 2])    # Prints "[3 4 5 6]"



import numpy as np

x = np.array([1, 2])  # Let numpy choose the datatype

print(x.dtype)        # Prints "int64"

x = np.array([1.0, 2.0])  # Let numpy choose the datatype

print(x.dtype)            # Prints "float64"

x = np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.int32)  # Force a particular datatype

print(x.dtype)                        # Prints "int32"



import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]], dtype=np.float64)

y = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]], dtype=np.float64)

# Elementwise sum; both produce the array

# [[ 6.0  8.0]

#  [10.0 12.0]]

print(x + y)

print(np.add(x, y))

# Elementwise difference; both produce the array

# [[-4.0 -4.0]

#  [-4.0 -4.0]]

print(x - y)

print(np.subtract(x, y))

# Elementwise product; both produce the array

# [[ 5.0 12.0]

#  [21.0 32.0]]

print(x * y)

print(np.multiply(x, y))

# Elementwise division; both produce the array

# [[ 0.2        0.33333333]

#  [ 0.42857143  0.5      ]]

print(x / y)

print(np.divide(x, y))

# Elementwise square root; produces the array

# [[ 1.          1.41421356]

#  [ 1.73205081  2.        ]]


请注意,与MATLAB不同,*是元素乘法,而不是矩阵乘法。 我们使用dot函数来计算向量的内积,将向量乘以矩阵,并乘以矩阵。 dot既可以作为numpy模块中的函数,也可以作为数组对象的实例方法:

import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])

y = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]])

v = np.array([9,10])

w = np.array([11, 12])

# Inner product of vectors; both produce 219


print(, w))

# Matrix / vector product; both produce the rank 1 array [29 67]


print(, v))


# Matrix / matrix product; both produce the rank 2 array

# [[19 22]

#  [43 50]]


print(, y))


Numpy为在数组上执行计算提供了许多有用的函数;其中最有用的函数之一是 SUM:

import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])

print(np.sum(x))  # Compute sum of all elements; prints "10"

print(np.sum(x, axis=0))  # Compute sum of each column; prints "[4 6]"

print(np.sum(x, axis=1))  # Compute sum of each row; prints "[3 7]"


import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2], [3,4]])

print(x)    # Prints "[[1 2]

            #          [3 4]]"

print(x.T)  # Prints "[[1 3]

            #          [2 4]]"

# Note that taking the transpose of a rank 1 array does nothing:

v = np.array([1,2,3])

print(v)    # Prints "[1 2 3]"

print(v.T)  # Prints "[1 2 3]"

tile函数位于python模块 numpy.lib.shape_base中,他的功能是重复某个数组。比如tile(A,n),功能是将数组A重复n次,构成一个新的数组

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