Charlotte's Web《夏洛特的网》笔记 2

读了伍尔夫的《飞蛾之死》挺无奈的。如果可以对话,真想说你拿铅笔戳它干什么,打开窗户放出去得了。后面絮絮叨叨的一大堆其实读起来还是蛮有趣味,但很不喜欢评论给出的大段什么生命的伟大之类,看到这类评论神烦。伍尔夫的作品其实是在电影《时时刻刻》之后才陆续看了一点,也因为这部片子对妮可基德曼大为改观。说读了一点她的书其实就一本The Common Reader的中文版《伍尔夫读书笔记》,书些微有点闷,断断续续只记得读完很安静,最后只剩下沉默了。部分文章很有趣,部分文章理论不够看的稀里糊涂,有时间看一看英文版。



XI. The Miracle

exertions注: n.努力

A look of complete bewilderment came over Mrs. Zuckerman’s face.

注: 好迷惑

She’s a rather queer child—full of notions.

注: 满脑子古怪念头

Secrets are hard to keep.


注: 庞蒂亚克车

XII. A Meeting

“I shall begin by calling the roll. Wilbur?”

注: 点名


注: 癖好

Zuckermans have fallen for it,

注: 上套了


注: 最高的,至高的(Supreme Court)

a rich dessert

注: 油腻腻的甜点

baser instinct

注: 卑劣的本能


注: v.休会,休庭

and that’s what counts.

注: 这是最重要的

XIII. Good Progress

She loved to weave and she was an expert at it.

He breathed the morning air into his lungs.


注: 脆生生


注: (布料)防缩水的,事先缩过水的

out of the question

注: 不可能的,谈不上的

back flip

注: 腾空后翻

“Tell me a story, Charlotte!” said Wilbur, as he lay waiting for sleep to come. “Tell me a story!”

It was a never-to-be-forgotten battle


注: 无情地,残忍地


注: 气球/小型飞机驾驶员(balloonist)

XIV. Dr. Dorian

THE NEXT day was Saturday. Fern stood at the kitchen sink drying the breakfast dishes as her mother washed them.

Charlotte never fibs.

注: 从不说谎


注: n.打,痛打(高频词汇)


注: 不可思议的

crochet a doily

注: 钩织桌布

Children pay better attention than grownups. If Fern says that the animals in Zuckerman’s barn talk, I’m quite ready to believe her.

People are incessant talkers—I can give you my word on that.

注: 哈

Appetite good?

Dr. Dorian closed his eyes again and went into deep thought.

注: 道林医生太可爱

I would say, offhand,

注: 随便说说

poison ivy

注: 毒葛

XV. The Crickets


注: 单调的

The crickets felt it was their duty to warn everybody that summertime cannot last forever.


注: v.帮助,照顾

Some of Wilbur’s friends in the barn worried for fear all this attention would go to his head and make him stuck up. But it never did.

注: 有名了就会自觉高人一等。

Wilbur was modest; fame did not spoil him.


注: 不便的 adj.


注: 多用途的,多才多艺(高频词汇)

‘Versatile’ means I can turn with ease from one thing to another.

XVI. Off to the Fair

the Ferris wheel

注: A Ferris wheel (sometimes called a big wheel, observation wheel, or, in the case of the very tallest examples, giant wheel) is a nonbuilding structure consisting of a rotating upright wheel with multiple passenger-carrying components (commonly referred to as passenger cars, cabins, tubs, capsules, gondolas, or pods) attached to the rim in such a way that as the wheel turns, they are kept upright, usually by gravity.就是摩天轮

freeze unit

注: 电冰箱

When morning came, everybody got up at daylight. The day was hot.


注: 白脱牛奶,略酸

plaid shirt 注: 格子呢衬衫

hard-boiled eggs

注: 水煮蛋

cracker crumbs

注: 饼干屑

particles of cheese

注: 奶酪渣


注: 名副其实的

frozen custard

注: 奶冻,冷冻蛋羹,兴起与美国。

candied apples

注: 玛丽波平斯出现过,类似苹果糖葫芦,外面裹得焦糖


注: n.战利品(常见词汇)


注: 摊位(常见词汇)

You will find that the conditions at a fair will surpass your wildest dreams.

Now then—there is no time to be lost.

Stowaways注: 偷渡者

cheese it

注: 快溜,留心(口语)


注: 口语 扭打 scuffle


注: v.推搡


注: 撕裂的


注: v.打


注: 卡车后挡板,车斗门

It’s sunstroke.

注: 中暑

Her eyes were brimming with tears.

注: 充满泪水

XVII. Uncle

They could smell the dust of the race track where the sprinkling cart had moistened it;

注: 洒水车淋湿尘土的味道

the sprinkling cart

and they could smell hamburgers frying and see balloons aloft注: 好热闹的集会


注: 加干奶酪和牛肉的三明治

raspberry soda pop

注: 覆盆子苏打汽水

And remember, the money has to last all day. Don’t spend it all the first few minutes.

Watch out for pickpockets!

注: 小心扒手

purebred cows

注: 纯种奶牛

Tears began to come to his eyes.


注: 梁,房梁


Glad to have met you, and now I must be going.

I took quite a dislike to him in our brief interview.

spin a web

注: 织网


注: 倦怠的,无精打采的

he couldn’t help worrying.


注: 爆米花(原文是Cracker-Jack),是美国Frito-Lay食品公司的食品系列之一,这种零食在学校的小店,平常的市场市场里都有,在垒球赛场上也和花生、热狗一样常见。

  Cracker-Jack是用一种特别的,红颜色的玉米加工而成的,这种玉米最早由美国印地安人在公元800年左右杂交而成。某些新英格兰的部族曾把这种玉米涂上一层枫糖浆,制成蜜饯。第一种具有独特口味的Cracker-Jack,是F.W. Rueckheim在芝加哥举办的第一届世界工业博览会发明的。F.W. Rueckheim 与其兄弟Louis Rueckheim组建了一家F.W. Rueckheim兄弟公司。

    Louis Rueckheim 发现了防止蜜糖粘到爆米花上的办法。这个秘方今天还在使用,而且至今仍是个秘密。Louis Rueckheim在1896年对推销员推销这产品时,推销员喊道:"那是Cracker Jack!”这就给他的产品说出了一个不朽的商标。

    Cracker-Jack这个商标,被1908年的一首叫"带我去参加棒球赛"流行歌唱成了不朽,因为那歌里曾反复唱道:"给我买点儿花生和Cracker-Jack"。”每盒都有奖品"的口号在1912年被提出,当时每件玩具的包装盒里都装着Cracker-Jack。1918年,动画明星大力水手杰克和他的叫BINGO的狗的形象第一次出现在Cracker-Jack包装盒上,只是杰克的脸被换成了F.W. Rueckheim的小孙子Robert的。

    总部在美国俄亥俄州首府的哥伦布的一家公司购买了Cracker Jack公司,使它在1964年成了一家分公司。Frito-Lay在1997年购买了Cracker-Jack的商标权。

XVIII. The Cool of the Evening

IN THE cool of the evening, when shadows darkened the Fair Grounds, Templeton crept from the crate and looked around.

After the heat of the day, the evening came as a welcome relief to all.

Humble’ has two meanings. It means ‘not proud’ and it means ‘near the ground.’

Fare thee well,

注: 祝你好运


注: 谋士


注: 看台

XIX. The Egg Sac


注: 蚕茧,茧

cotton candy注: (美)棉花糖


注: adj.俏皮的,极好的


magnum opus

注: (拉丁文)巨作

great work

What makes you sound so down-hearted?

注: 情绪低落

As Wilbur was studying the web, a pair of whiskers and a sharp face appeared.

注: the rat


注: 痛饮

“It would serve you right if you had an acute急性的 attack of indigestion.”

注: 急性消化不良是自找的

I guess you’re licked

注: (口)licked 被打败


注: v.渴望


注: 迟钝的

The grownups and the children joined hands and stood there注: 手拉手站在里

“You stay right where you are!” said her mother. Tears came to Fern’s eyes.

注: 大人永远是这样,不开心了也不让孩子开心

Pretty soon quite a crowd had gathered.注: 很快


注: 旁观者

Everybody who visited the pigpen had a good word to say about Wilbur. Everyone admired the web. And of course nobody noticed Charlotte.

Crate your pig

注: 装箱子


注: 哈利波特2中出现过,那个骚包的二货教授

XX. The Hour of Triumph

“Tuck your shirt in, Avery!” cried Mrs. Zuckerman.


注: 各种各样的,杂七杂八的


注: adv.从何而来


注: 赞美的,恭维的

He handed Mr. Zuckerman two ten dollar bills and a five dollar bill. 注: 25美元

A great feeling of happiness swept over the Zuckermans and the Arables. This was the greatest moment in Mr. Zuckerman’s life.

At last things calmed down.

XXI. Last Day

secure and safe

注: 安全可靠

These autumn days will shorten and grow cold. The leaves will shake loose from the trees and fall. Christmas will come, then the snows of winter. You will live to enjoy the beauty of the frozen world,

Winter will pass, the days will lengthen, the ice will melt in the pasture pond. The song sparrow will return and sing, the frogs will awake, the warm wind will blow again. All these sights and sounds and smells will be yours to enjoy, Wilbur—this lovely world, these precious days . . .

注: so refined

After all, what’s a life, anyway? We’re born, we live a little while, we die.

I thank you for your generous sentiments.


注: n.遗弃,荒凉

make a scene

注: 吵闹


注: (美口)把戏

catch a wink of sleep

注: 小睡一会

what thanks do I ever get for these services, I would like to know? Never a kind word for old Templeton, only abuse and wisecracks and side remarks. Never a kind word for a rat.

注: 从没有人给过老坦普尔曼一句好听的话,除了谩骂,风凉话和旁敲侧击之外。从没有人对老鼠说过一句好话



注: mimic的过去式 是+ked(莫扎特中出现过此知识点)

XXII. A Warm Wind

His was a strange homecoming.

注: 回家的样子很奇怪

The maples and birches turned bright colors and the wind shook them and they dropped their leaves one by one to the ground.

注: 桦树

The autumn days grew shorter,


注: 温度计


注: 昏暗的


注: n.纪念品

Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch. The winter ended at last.

注: 等待让生活漫长而单调

a grain of sand

注: 一粒沙子


注: n.黄褐色

spruce woods

注: 云杉木


注: 沉寂地,厌倦地


注: 优美地,可口地

Wilbur’s heart brimmed with happiness.

注: 心中盛满了幸福

I pledge my friendship, forever and ever.”

注: 发誓友情永不变

As time went on, and the months and years came and went, he was never without friends.

Life in the barn was very good—night and day, winter and summer, spring and fall, dull days and bright days. It was the best place to be, thought Wilbur,


注: 饶舌的,话多的

Excerpt from Stuart Little


注: 摘录

About the Author and Artists


注: n.调色板,颜料

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