剑8 P102
In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.
What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?
How to live a healthy life has long been a public concern. It is reported that a growing number of people from industrialized countries are suffering from various chronic disease and obesity problems. I personally believe that the sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diet are two leading causes to this worrying trend.
首段:对题目进行paraphrase交代话题背景,直接表达观点给出两种原因回应题目第一个问题,为body1 展开做铺垫
industrialized countries :工业化国家
chronic disease :慢性病
sedentary lifestyle:久坐的生活方式
unbalanced diet :不均衡的饮食
The internet- based worldhas largely prevented people from stepping out of the door for social activities, which leads a sedentary lifestyle. Nowadays, electronic devices such as computers, smartphones and various phone applications have made it possible to perform daily tasks online. For example, consumers could purchase almost any daily necessities on shopping website without moving an inch instead of shopping around in malls as they did before. Another good case in point is the massive use of automobiles, a typical day for people who live in cities is to drive from home to the workplace and then sit in front of the computer for 8 working hours, which leaves no time and space for physical exercise.
Body 1: 围绕“久坐的生活方式” 展开论证,阐述为什么人们要久坐以及久坐是如何减少人们运动和锻炼的。
prevent sb from doing sth: 阻止某人做某事
The internet- based world:基于网络的世界
perform daily tasks:日常工作
without moving an inch:足不出户
massive use of:大量使用
industrialized countries :工业化国家
sedentary lifestyle:久坐的生活方式
unbalanced diet :不均衡的饮食
In addition, (因果论证) due to the fast pace of life, fast food and instant meals are getting increasingly popular with millions of office workers working in urban areas. One of the possible reasons is that the overwhelming house rent forces people to live further from the urban centre, which leaves them no choice but to take more convenient and time-saving meals, such as box-lunch or take-away food. Unfortunately, some are usually high in sugar, oil and fat, and it’s commonly known that long-term intake of these foods could increases the risk of diet-related disease.
Body2:围绕 ” 饮食不均衡“ 展开论证,逻辑推理生活方式对饮食方式与选择的影响,最终影响健康水平的过程。
instant meals:速食
overwhelming house rent:高额的房租
leaves sb no choice but to :别无选择只能..
convenient and time-saving:方便省时间
increase the risk of :增加…的风险
diet-related disease:由饮食引起的疾病
Several effective measures can be taken to tackle this issue. It is feasible for the government to invest more money in sports facilities in the neighborhood and encourage local residents to work out regularly.(条件论证) If there are more easy-to-reach sports centers, more participants would be engaged in outdoor activities instead of staying at home. Besides, it is also necessary for media to publicize the negative effects of meat-centered diet and highlight the benefits of eating fruit and vegetables. Plus, getting rid of bad personal habits, such as smoking and excessive drinking, is also helpful to maintain physical well-being.
work out regularly:保持日常锻炼
easy-to-reach facilities: 触手可及的设施
bad personal habits:不良个人习惯
excessive drinking:过度饮酒
maintain physical well-being:维持健康水平
In conclusion, the decreasing health condition can be attributed to inactive lifestyle and unbalanced diet. Promoting healthy lifestyle and working out regularly are essential measures to reverse the trend.