Medicare 是美国专门针对65岁及以上的老年人的一项医疗保险服务。因为最近在准备论文开题,就把其中看到的一些很有用以及很启发的paper 名字列在此处,以备以后翻看学习查用。
1. Card, David, Carlos Dobkin, and Nicole Maestas. "The impact of nearly universal insurance coverage on health care utilization: evidence from Medicare." American Economic Review 98, no. 5 (2008): 2242-58.
2. Finkelstein, Amy. "The aggregate effects of health insurance: Evidence from the introduction of Medicare." The quarterly journal of economics 122, no. 1 (2007): 1-37.
3. Card, David, Carlos Dobkin, and Nicole Maestas. "Does Medicare save lives?." The quarterly journal of economics 124, no. 2 (2009): 597-636.
4. Anderson, Michael, Carlos Dobkin, and Tal Gross. "The effect of health insurance coverage on the use of medical services." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 4, no. 1 (2012): 1-27.
5. Levy, Helen, and David Meltzer. "The impact of health insurance on health." Annu. Rev. Public Health 29 (2008): 399-409.