A Fight between Lovers
What's wrong?
You look awful.
My boyfriend and I have just had another fight.
I think I'm going to break up with him.
Hey, you've said that before.
Calm down.
Is that really what you want to do?
Yeah, I think so.
I don't see any future on our relationship.
Is there anyone else you're interested in?
No,but there are some guys on the internet who have sent me messages.
What,you've been online?
Sure, just for fun.
It's nice to know that I can meet people if I want to.
Does your boyfriend know about it?
No, if he knew it, he'll be furious.
He can be very jealous, and he has a violent temper.
He would be furious if he found out that she was getting messages from other man.
If he knew she was getting messages from other men, he would be furious.
She thinks he would be furious if he knew that she was getting messages from other men.
She has said that she was going to break up with him several times before.
Anyway, what was your fight about?
Oh, it's just the way he talks to me.
He never shows any interest in what I'm doing or in what I'm feeling.
If I have a bad headache or anything he says nothing.
So who started the fight?
He came over and wanted to kiss me, and I turned away.
I told him I didn't feel anything for him right then.
So then he got angry and we both blew up.
She doesn’t like the way he treats her anymore.
Now we're not talking to each other.
Oh, is that all?
That kind of thing is normal.
Maybe you're overreacting.
No, it's just that I'm beginning to realize that I don't feel anything for him anymore.
Our relationship is getting cold.
I don't feel appreciated.
She’s beginning to realize that she doesn’t feel anything for him anymore.
Well then, maybe you should break up for a while and start seeing other man.
But be careful.
If I were you, I wouldn't start seeing anybody else until I break up first.
Why do you think so?
If he sees that you're serious about breaking up, he may change.
Maybe, but I doubt it.
It could be that he feels the same way about you.
Maybe he has lost interest.
So it's best to find out.
You need to have a serious conversation with him.
Hmm,you're right.
Maybe it's time to really find out.
She advises her to have a serious conversation with him before she does anything.