Naitve Heap Size: 从mallinfo usmblks获得,代表最大总共分配空间
Native Heap Alloc: 从mallinfo uorblks获得,总共分配空间
Native Heap Free: 从mallinfo fordblks获得,代表总共剩余空间
Native Heap Size 约等于Native Heap Alloc + Native Heap Free
mallinfo是一个C库, mallinfo 函数提供了各种各样的通过C的malloc()函数分配的内存的统计信息。
Dalvik Heap Size:从Runtime totalMemory()获得,Dalvik Heap总共的内存大小。
Dalvik Heap Alloc: Runtime totalMemory()-freeMemory() ,Dalvik Heap分配的内存大小。
Dalvik Heap Free:从Runtime freeMemory()获得,Dalvik Heap剩余的内存大小。
Dalvik Heap Size 约等于Dalvik Heap Alloc + Dalvik Heap Free
OtherPss, include Cursor,Ashmem, Other Dev, .so mmap, .jar mmap, .apk mmap, .ttf mmap, .dex mmap, Other mmap, Unkown统计信息都可以在process的smap文件看到。
Objects and SQL 信息都是从Android Debug信息中获得。
其他类型 smap 路径名称 描述
Cursor /dev/ashmem/Cursor Cursor消耗的内存(KB)
Ashmem /dev/ashmem 匿名共享内存用来提供共享内存通过分配一个多个进程
Other dev /dev/ 内部driver占用的在 “Other dev”
.so mmap .so C 库代码占用的内存
.jar mmap .jar Java 文件代码占用的内存
.apk mmap .apk apk代码占用的内存
.ttf mmap .ttf ttf 文件代码占用的内存
.dex mmap .dex Dex 文件代码占用的内存
Other mmap 其他文件占用的内存
GL mtrack is driver-reported GL memory usage. It's primarily the sum of GL texture sizes, GL command buffers, fixed global driver RAM overheads, etc. GL纹理大小,GL缓冲命令以及固定的驱动ram开支
EGL mtrack is gralloc memory usage. It's primarily the sum of the SurfaceView/TextureView. SurfaceView/TextureView的大小
GL mtrack is for the GL resource, like Texture, VBO, IBO, RBO, PBO and command buffer, GL internal buffer…
EGL mtrack is for the EGL resource, like eglsurface, eglimage
The GL mtrack and EGL mtrack are statistic from /d/kgsl/proc/xxx/mem
All gpumem type resource are accounted into GL mtrack, all ion type resource are accounted into EGL mtrack.