And they rarely get it right the first time. Only after much repetition, some nervous invention, occasional losses of temper, and general frustration, do their own processes of learning lurch forward. Then they lick their wounds, and, perhaps wondering in the first place why they were ever willing to try to teach anyone anything in the first place, they gradually perfect their art. Some teachers, whether professional or amateur, may never manage to get it right; some may fail to teach anyone anything important at all. Even those many of us who teach more or less effectively are often overwhelmed by justifiable concern for our lesson plans and their implementation, by getting our students through our courses, and by negotiating the politics and administrative obligations that seem inherent in any calling as burdened with responsibilities as teaching. Consequently, we often fail to give sustained and collegial thought to teaching's broader components.
然而,老师们很难第一次就做到。紧张和焦虑伴如影随形,还会偶尔发发脾气。 教师们只有在多次反复练习后,随着自己学习能力的蹒跚前进,才能有所改善。
大家舔舐着伤口,想不通自己为什么当初要选择成为一名教师。慢慢的,大家的教学水平开始完善。 无论是新手,还是专业教师,有些人可能一直都找不到感觉。 有些甚至无法教授任何人任何有价值的内容。