Zero knowledge Summit 8 on Sept 15, 2022
Demstifying zk programming
by Aleo
Record model: supoort zero-knowledge applications.
Decentralized private computations.
Account model: no concurrency, no privacy.
Pairing-friendly: BLS12-377
efficient Pedersen hashes: Edwards-BLS12
Univeal setup: Marlin.
Leo code -> Aleo instructions -> AVM bytecode
unfolding ZK hardware
ZKPs come in many shapes and form:
- QuickSilver, Mystique, Wolverine, AntMan..
- Ligero, Ligero++, BooLigero, Limbo...
- Marlin, Nova, Groth16, Plonk
Production-ready ZK systems:
- zkSync, Risco, Plonky2, Halo2, Aleo, SnarkVM, et al.
Hardware-based products:
- ZKPaaS: Proof as a service, running GPU/FPGA clusters
- Cloud: ZK Attestation service
- ZKP miner: Aleo
Generalizing AIR to multivariate domains
Polygon zero
Airpods: AIR -> Polynomials -> Multivariate
Namada: asset-agnostic interchain privacy
provide privacy to users in an interchain world.
Namada is a sovereign pos blockchain, using Tendermint BFT consensus.
MASP: multi-asset shielded pool.
Zcash, Namada, Penumbra, Aleo
Private bridges.
Hyperplonk: Plonk without FFTs and with high degree gates
New polynomial IOP
Plonk-based but using multi-linear polynomials defined over Boolean hypercube
support for all the nice PLONK features
- Custom gates (Turboplonk)
- Plookup (Ultraplonk)
- Halo2 arithmetization (access multiple rows)
No FFTs: Better parallelization/memory constraints
Support for high-degree custom gates
Multiset checks in STARK-based VMs
Polygon Miden
Multiset: A is mulltiset-equal to B(A=B) if B is a permutation of A.
Reduce multiset equality check to a grand product check.
Multiset checks can be used in STARK-based VMs to connect the main portion of the execution trace to specialized groups of columns in the trace that enable optimized handling of specific functionality, such as range checking or hashing.
Succinct verification of consensus with zkSNARKs
Succinct Labs
L1 bridgess built with multisigs or off-chain oracles are not secure.
A maximally secure and trust-minimized bridge.
Bridge security should be based on the same mechanism validators used to agree the state: verification of consensus.
ETH Consensus verification Smart Contrat.
Verifying consensus in a smart contract allows you to run a light client.
- Verifying consensus -> access to valid block headers.
- Block headers contain state roots which enable trustless verification of blockchain state.
Implementing consensus verification as a smart contract is generally very expensive & difficult.
- Keeping track of current set of active validators and their stakes.
- Verification of BLS12-381 validator signatures which don't have precompiles on the EVM.
Introducing the sync committee: easy-to-verify consensus for light-clents on Ethereum
- The sync committee is a group of 512 validators chosen randomly every 27 hours.
- Validators sign every block header. If enough validators sign off on the header, the block header is valid.
- The sync committee provides weaker security guarantees that full consensus itself.
- Even verifying the consensus on-chain is too gas-expensive.
- Store 512 validator BLS pubkeys on-chain every 24 hours.
- For every desired header, have to compute up to 512 curve additions and 1 paring.
- No precompiles for the BLS12-381 curve on EVM.
zero knowledge proofs for a succinct on-chain light client
def validate_new_block():
def validate_new_block()
Proof of consensus: use zkSNARKs to generate a validity proof of the state of a chain according to its consensus protocol.
- Aggregated BLS signature verification proof (every update)
- Sync committee SSZ proof (every 27 hours update sync committee validators)
- Light client contract
Zooming out: pros and cons of proof-based bridges
- Higher security guarantess
- Censorship resistant
- More decentralized
- Higher gas costs
- Higher latency
- Have to implement new SANRKs for different consensus algorithms.
zkEVM: compatibility and equivalence
by zkSync
Zk: the only tech for infinite scalability
compatibility => full equivalence
sourcecode -> bytecode-> 100% API -> Gas calc -> block root
performance: better -> worse
Type 4: compiled into RISC
Solidity -> Yul -> LLVM -> zkVM (RISC)
Main pros:
- Lowest cost per tx
- Experimentatiion for better UX and DevEx.
Main cons:
Opcode-level tools (debuggers + tracers) require reimplementation.
Type 1-3: solidity -> EVM (CISC)
How to build a private DEX
by Penumbra
penumbra is :
- private pos L1
- Cross-chain shielded pool
- private dex
Shielded swaps are live on penumbra testnet 29
Tiered Merkle Topiary in Rust
by Penumbra
On a shielded blockchain, every client need to sysnc their state fragment, ZK-friendly hash fucntions are slow in software, so sync times suffer. The Tiered Commitment tree allows fast-forwarding clinet sync by up to 4 million times compared to an unoptimized Merkle tree.
Poseidon hash is SNARK-friendly, but slow in software
State sync effort should scale with only your own activity.
Tiered commitment tree.
Caulk: lookup arguments in sublinear time
membership proofs
lookup tables
range proofs
how to build a zk-VM
by neptune/triton VM
- VM
- STARK engine
Step 1: virtual machine
- Program ROM: Address | Instruction (or Arguments)
- Processor Layout: CLK | IP | CI | ARG | MEMP | MEM_0 | MEM_1
- Instruction set: increase, toggle_memp, jmp_if_zero, halt
step 2: stark engine
- Algebraic execution tables
- Arithmetic intermediate representation
Further reading:
- Anatomy of a STARK
- BrainSTARK
- Emojis based on designs by OpenMoji.
Hasse's theorem about elliptic curves
by Aztec - Ariel Gabizon
Hasse's thm:
A new ZK nullifier signature for ECDSA
by Aayush Gupta - 0xPARC
Anonymous Aridrops using zk proofs
- zk airdrop
- message borad
- anon voting
- sybil resistant anon application
Desired property:
- unique
- deterministic
- verifiable without secret key
- Noninteractive
we want a deterministic function of a user's secret key, that can be verified with ouly their public key and keeps them anonymous.
Vampire: a new succinct zkSNARK
by Michal
counting vampires: from univariance sumcheck to updatable ZK-SNARK
Vampire proof size: , 2048 bytes.
Poseidon VM: A zkApp with EVM compatibility
by Poseidonlabs
Poseidon VM, a blockchain VM designed to support application by ZK with applications on privacy, scaling and verifiability with cheap transaction cost.
Poseidon VM includes primitives such as privacy preserving assets (zkAsset), configurable asset disclosure (CAD), zero-knowledge signal (semaphore).
The primitives is designed in a modular and composable manner so that aApp developers can program powerful applications such as privacy preserving decentralized exchanges, makerplaces for private NFTs, private DAO payroll system and many more using pure Solidity or any EMV compitable languages.
ZK application landscape:
privacy: zcash, manta, Aleo, ZKOPRU, Aztec, Espresso
Scaling: zkSync, scorll, polygon hermez
Attestation/oracle: SISMO, zkAttestor, Hyper Oracle
zkStorage: Elastic Anonymity Sets, supports dynamic set operations with zk proofs for membership and removal.
Ethical identity, ring VRFs and zero-knowledge continuations
by Web foundation
Ring VRF is a ring signature that is also a VRF.
Name: Sassafras
New directions in ZK Hashing
by Ethereum Foundation
Reinfored Concrete
- Hash function that are ZK friendly were always slow on x86
- With lookup arguments, we build a hash (Reinforced Concrete) almost as fast as SHA-256.
Battling algebraic attacks
to withstand algebraic attacks (Grobner basis), a hash function must both:
- Be of high algebriac degree as a polynomial
- Irreducible to a small system of low degree equations