“envy”是可以是动词也可以是名词,意思都是“忌妒”。它作名词时有个常见、好用、地道的用法 the envy of,意思是“另......羡慕、望尘莫及”,of 后面一般接的是同类事物,比如其他国家、其他同类产品等。我们可以使用 the envy of 替换 admire, admirable 等词。比如,法国有令全欧洲羡慕的电影业,我们可能会写成:
France's film industry is admired throughout Europe.
我们也可以用 the envy of 来改写:
France has a film industry that is the envy of Europe.
牙买加在 100 米、200 米、400 米短跑项目上让其他国家望尘莫及,我们就可以说:
Jamaica's sprints are the envy of the world.
Justin 在一篇关于德州扑克的英文随笔中写过这么两句话:
About 350 million people have played on Zynga Poker, the largest poker site in the world. Plus, it boasts millions of daily players, the envy of most apps.
也就是说,很多同类 app 希望能够有 Zynga Poker 这样出色的日活跃用户量。
《经济学人》在 2015 年 3 月 The Economist Explains 专栏中就用到了 the envy of:
Even at its subdued current rate, China's growth is still the envy of most countries.
People have good discipline are the envy of me.
American universities are the envy of the whole world.
(参考翻译:American universities are the envy of the earth. 或 American universities are the envy of the entire world.)
prompt”可以做名词、形容词也可以做动词,今天我们学习它的动词用法。prompt 作为动词表示“促使”“推动”“引起”,是个高频词汇,几乎每一期的《经济学人》中都会多次用到它。
The scandal prompted the immediate resignation of the company’s CEO.
我们想说“某事引发热议”时,这里的“引发”除了用常见的 cause, lead to 外,还可以用 prompt,比如:
The mass shooting prompts a heated debate on gun control.
最新一期的《经济学人》中就出现了 4 次 prompt 的这种用法,我们看其中两个句子:
1)The disastrous drought prompted government action to restore the river.
2)An attack by JEM in September 2016 killed 19 Indian soldiers, prompting Mr Modi to send special forces across the line of control.
Reduced exercises prompt the continuous rise in the fat rate.
The increase of unemployment rate may prompt social unrest.
(参考翻译:The continuous rise in the unemployment rate may prompt social unrest.)
determine 颜值既是正义
what you look like determine how people treat you.
我们很熟悉“determine”常用来表示“下决心”“决定”的用法,今天我们学习它的另一常见地道用法:表示“是…的决定因素”“取决于”。我们可以用 determine 的这个用法在口语和写作中替换 depend on。
《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》中的 depend on 有这样一个例句:
The cooking time needed depends on the size of the potato. (所需的烹饪时间取决于土豆的大小。)
我们可以用 determine 把它改写为:
The size of the potato will determine the cooking time.
What you look like determines how people treat you.
1)The scale of the revolt will determine what happens next.
2)For instance, on Air India, the country's state-owned flag carrier, who you know can apparently determine where you sit.
How much time you spend determines how much you get.
How many you buy determines the price.
(参考翻译:How much it costs is determined by how much you buy. 或者 The quantity purchased determines the price.)
how many 只能问可数,how much即可问价钱,也可问amount
judging by / from
我们很熟悉“judge”可以作为名词表示“法官”,作为动词表示“评定”“判断”。今天我们学习一个它的常见搭配用法 judging by/from,是一个在写作和口语中都非常实用的表达。judging by/from 表示“根据…判断”,如它的英文释义所示,当我们在阐述为什么有某个观点时,就可以用到它。
注意:judging 后面可以接 by 也可以接 from,两者没有什么区别,更多是个人偏好。
美剧《别对我说谎》(Lie to Me)中,心理学家擅长透过人体的肢体语言,特别是面部的“微表情”来判断对方是否在撒谎。我们想表达“从他的面部表情和肢体语言可以判定他在说谎”,就可说成:
Judging by/from his facial expressions and body language, he’s lying.
Judging by/from the trailer, the movie is worth watching/seeing.
最新一期的《经济学人》中就两次用到了 judge 的这个用法:
1) One reviewer called the book “for the 1%”, but that missed the point, and the percentage… Judging from the book’s sales, more than 1% might want that.
2) It shows what appears to be a Buddhist leader, judging by the decor and the kowtowing of his followers.
Judging from the beautiful cover, the book is worth buying.
Judging from my years of experience, she will be good at this job.
(参考翻译:Judging by/from my professional experience, she will be competent at this job.)
我们很熟悉“prize”作为名词是“奖品”“奖赏”,其实它也常作为动词使用,表示“珍惜”“青睐”。在一些语境中,我们可以用 prize 替换 value, appreciate, hold dear 等词。
I know that you prize our friendship.
最新一期的《经济学人》在语言专栏 Johnson 中就用到了 prize:
It seems that people prize attitude over expertise.(这句话的意思是说,读者读写作指南时,更看重作者对语言的态度而不是专业知识)
prize A over B 也是个常见表达,表示“更重视 A,而不是 B”。比如我们想说和用哪种方式阅读比较而言,我们应该更重视内容,就可以说成:
We should prize content over the means to read it.
prize 表示“珍惜”“青睐”时,也常常使用被动语态 be prized by。比如我们想说如今“海归”回国找工作时没那么“吃香”了,就可以说:
Overseas returnees are no longer highly prized by employers.
Human labour will be replaced by AI, we should prize creativity over skills when we educate our kids.
People who can speak English fluently are highly prized by employers.
Many Chinese parents prize the he International Mathematical Olympiad.
(参考翻译:The International Mathematical Olympiad, a competition for high school students, is much prized by many Chinese parents.)
There is no one can rival his political success any more.
Some home cooking can rival those of Michelin-starred restaurants.
(参考翻译:Some home-cooked dishes can rival the cuisine served at a Michelin-starred restaurant.)
Only a few can rival his success/achievement.
be revailed by= be equal to