
主要事件:Cyclone Pam[1]
事发国家:The South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu[2]
具体地点: The capital Port Vila[3]

![The South Pacific archipelago[4] of Vanuatu

The capital Port Vila
The capital Port Vila 首都维拉港
Three cyclones threatened the coast of Australia, New Zealand and island nations in the South Pacific, over the weekend of 13-15 March 2015
Three cyclones threatened the coast of Australia, New Zealand and island nations in the South Pacific, over the weekend of 13-15 March 2015 三飓风于3月13-15日期间,对南太平洋的澳大利亚、新西兰和各岛国造成了威胁
A visualisation of Cyclone Pam
A visualisation of Cyclone Pam 飓风帕姆的可视化

<u>【Save the Children's Tom Skirrow】</u>:
Thousands of families are living in makeshift[5], flimsy[6] houses which will not withstand[7] the immense[8] winds and rain we're expecting. Families need to urgently evacuate to[9] safe buildings or[10] the results could be catastrophic[11].

Save the Children: 拯救儿童基金会;救助儿童会

The scene[12] here this morning is complete devastation[13] - houses are destroyed, trees are down, roads are blocked and people are wandering[14] the streets looking for help.

And this EarthWindMap shows Cyclone Pam's estimated location at 4am Monday March 16
And this EarthWindMap shows Cyclone Pam's estimated location at 4am Monday March 16 地球风势图显示飓风帕姆于3月16日周一下午4点所在的大约位置

<u>【UNICEF New Zealand's executive director Vivien Maidaborn】</u>:
While it is too early to say for certain[15], early reports are indicating that this weather disaster could potentially be one of the worst in Pacific history.

UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 联合国儿童基金会

The sheer[16] force of the storm combined with[17] communities just not set up to withstand it, could have devastating[18] results for thousands across the region.

![People walk along the shore where debris is scattered[19] in Port Vila

<u>【Sune Gudnitz, who heads the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Pacific】</u>:
We could see some loss[20] of life, potentially serious loss but we don't know yet.

the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affair in the Pacific: 联合国人道主义太平洋地区事务协调办公室

The feedback[21] is that there appears to be quite widespread devastation. There is debris[22] in the streets and widespread flooding[23].

Cyclone Pam: one of worst storms in Pacific hits Vanuatu
Cyclone Pam: one of worst storms in Pacific hits Vanuatu 飓风帕姆:太平洋最厉害的飓风之一,袭击瓦努阿图群岛

<u>【UNICEF spokeswoman Alice Clements】</u>:
The winds have definitely increased, the palm trees[24] are blowing[25] around like crazy[26], you're starting to get that kind of howling[27] wind coming through[28].

We have some very unconfirmed reports of casualties[29] from the outer islands as well but we're waiting to get official confirmation on those, which is very sad news if it's true.

Many houses were destroyed around the capital Port Vila
Many houses were destroyed around the capital Port Vila 首都维拉港周围的许多房屋被毁

<u>【Care International's Charlie Damon】</u>:
Homes have been blown to pieces, and even evacuation shelters[30] exposed to[31] Cyclone Pam.

Care International: 国际关怀协会;国际关怀组织

If this is the level of impact in communities where emergency shelters[32] were an option, we are deeply concerned about[33] what has happened in remote communities without them.

Local residents look through the remains of a small shelter in Port Vila, the capital
Local residents look through the remains of a small shelter in Port Vila, the capital 首都维拉港的居民在一小棚残余处查看

<u>【The administrator of the Humans of Vanuatu Facebook】</u>:
It's really bad out there. The wind is howling with a deep roar[34] that just doesn't let up[35]. Anyone not in shelter now is in mortal[36] danger.

【Australian Red Cross' head of international programmes Peter Walton】:
We are extremely concerned for the safety and wellbeing[37] of tens of thousands of people as one of the most intense cyclones to ever hit any Pacific country continues to batter[38] Vanuatu.

Red Cross: 红十字会

  1. 【Cyclone Pam】飓风帕姆

  2. 【the South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu】南太平洋岛国瓦努阿图

  3. 【the capital Port Vila】首都维拉港

  4. 【archipelago】n. 群岛,列岛

  5. 【makeshift】adj. 临时的,凑合的

  6. 【flimsy】adj. 不结实的,薄弱的,脆弱的,轻而薄的,劣质的

  7. 【withstand】v. 承受,经受住,顶住,抵住

  8. 【immense】adj. 巨大的,大量的,浩瀚的,无限的

  9. 【evacuate to(a place)】撤离(撤出、搬出)到(某地)

  10. 【or】conj. 否则,要不然

  11. 【catastrophic】adj. 灾难的,悲惨的

  12. 【scene】n. 现场,景象,情景,景色

  13. 【devastation】n. 灾难,巨大的破坏,毁坏,损坏,蹂躏

  14. 【wander】v. 徘徊,漫游,游荡,流浪

  15. 【for certain】肯定地,确凿地,确切地

  16. 【sheer】adj. 十足的,全然的,完全的

  17. 【combine with】和...结合,与...联合,与...混合

  18. 【devastating】adj. 破坏极大的,破坏性的,毁灭性的,灾难性的

  19. 【scatter】v. 撒,撒播;散开,四散,使分散,驱散

  20. 【loss】n. 丧失,损失,亏损,丢失

  21. 【feedback】n. 反馈,信息反馈,意见反馈

  22. 【debris】n. 碎片,残骸,废墟

  23. 【flooding】n. 洪水泛滥

  24. 【palm tree】棕榈树

  25. 【blow】v. 吹动,刮动

  26. 【like crazy】(非正式)疯狂地;拼命地;非常迅速地;就像疯了似地;像疯子一样

  27. 【howling】adj. 怒号的;猛烈的;很大的;极端的

  28. 【come through】v. 到来

  29. 【casualty】n. 伤亡人员,受害者,亡者,毁坏物,损坏物

  30. 【evacuation shelter】避难场所

  31. 【be exposed to】使暴露于(险境),使遭受(危险或不快)

  32. 【emergency shelter】应急避难所

  33. 【be concerned about】担心,关注,对...关心

  34. 【roar】n. 吼叫,咆哮,怒吼

  35. 【let up】停止,(风雨等)减弱

  36. 【mortal】adj. 致命的,导致死亡的,不能永生的,终将死亡的

  37. 【wellbeing】n. 幸福,福利,健康

  38. 【batter】v. 连续猛击,殴打

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