01 飞机布洒器 airplane sprayer
02 毒剂气溶胶发生器 chemical agent aerosol generator
03 毒烟施放装置 toxic smoke discharge device
04 毒烟弹发射器 toxic smoke projectile launcher
05 沙林毒剂弹 sarin agent ammunition
06 维埃克斯毒剂弹 VX agent ammuniton
07 氢氰酸毒剂弹 hydrocyanic acid agent ammunition
08 芥子气毒剂弹 mustard gas ammunition
09 芥、路混合毒剂弹 mustard-lewisite mixture ammunition
10 胶粘毒剂弹 thickened agent ammunition
11 固体毒剂弹 solid agent ammunition
12 毒烟弹 toxic smoke smmunition
13 化学弹弹体 body of chemical ammunition
14 化学弹引信 fuze of chemical ammunition
15 化学弹爆管 burster tube of chemical ammunition
16 化学弹长爆管 long burster tube of chemical ammunition
17 化学弹短爆管 short burster bube of chemical ammunition
18 防波钣 anti-wave plank
19 化学弹装填系数(a值 ) fill coefficient of chemical ammuniton (value of a)
20 化学弹炸药毒剂比(B值) ratio of explosive and agent of chemical ammunition (value of B)
21 化学弹毒剂装填率(r值) agent fill rate of chemical ammunition