Why do we read? For brilliant? For knowledge? or for entertainment? Maybe there are better reasons for reading.
The most important reason I think is reading books is a means toward living a decent human life, the life of a free man and free citizen. Of course this should be our ultimate objective.It is the ultimate theme of this book.
随着时代的不同读书的意义也在悄然变化。从为中华之崛起而读书到为了学习,为了知识,为了改变命运而读书,我们给读书下了太多的定义。我们从一个很小的方面来说,读书的真正目的在于“通过阅读本书,读者可以构建自己知识体系,学习可在新领域中快速成为专家的能力——无论是面对一份新工作还是人生的新阶段。” 这是基本。而本质上读书是为了让我们做一个自由的人,做一个思想灵魂都自由的人。当然交流要建立在有一群志同道合的朋友。"you have something in common"你们必须都热爱读书,思想才能畅快的交流。
Bacon said:"Reading make the full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man." A man with free minds could be called a full man, a free man. In democratic citizenship meet other minds is needed.