P6 录:In one sense this is quite true. But one may ask: Why is this so? If the craving for what is beyond the present actual world is not one of the innate desires of mankind, why is it a fact that for most people religious ideas and activities constitute an all-important and absorbing part of life? If that craving is one of the fundamental desires of mankind, why should the Chinese people be an exception? When one says that it is ethics, not religion, that has provided the spiritual basis of Chinese civilization, does it imply that the Chinese are not conscious of those values which are higher than moral ones?
上述这段,我认为在写作的手法上值得学习借鉴,这种手法也就是所谓的“Naysayer”, 即用反复提问的方式,先抛出反对方的一系列疑问,然后在逐步反驳击破,用以达到在逻辑上的辩证及客观,增强说服力。除此之外,这段反复的提问也用到了Syllogism(三段论)的方法,先有Major premise(大前提),再有Minor premise(小前提)。