1. 勇气(Courage)
Courage is one of the Values of Extreme Programming. To wit:
We will tell the truth about progress and estimates. We don't document excuses for failure because we plan to succeed. We don't fear anything because no one ever works alone. We will adapt to changes when ever they happen.
勇气是几个极限编程和敏捷(Agile)实践的基础,一些实践旨在增强团队的勇气(或至少消除恐惧)。比如,重构(Refactoring)复杂的软件是一项令人畏惧的任务,但我们可以通过结对编程(Pair Programming)与团队另一个成员一起面对这个任务。以及在重构期间和之后,通过测试驱动开发(Test-Driven Development,TDD)进行的测试,以确认软件功能运行正常。集成和发布软件也很可怕,但通过应用持续集成(Continuous Integration,CI)和使用小版本发布(Small Releases)可以减少这种恐惧。
Courage underlies several XP and Agile practices, and several practices are designed to increase how courageous the team can be (or at least, to eliminate fear). For example, refactoring complex software is a daunting task, but one can find courage in facing this task with another team member via pair programming, as well as from the fact that during and after the refactoring, tests writting via test-driven development confirm the software continues to behave correctly. Integrating and shipping software can be scary as well, but this fear can be reduced through the application of continuous integration and the use of small releases.
Courage is an important value in software development because it requires courage to be transparent and honest with customers and stakeholders, and it requires courage to identify weaknesses in ourselves, our team, and our organization and to work to improve these weaknesses.
2. 关于勇气的名人名言
“我们唯一应该恐惧的是恐惧本身” —— 富兰克林·罗斯福
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt