🔗Paraphrase/💡Knowledge Point:
1. tenure - stay permanently in the university
2. 职场女性 - women in the work force
3. trailblazer - blaze a trail/trails 开路先锋
4. take strides in sth. = make great/major progress in sth.
5. close the gender wage gap = narrow the gender salary discrepancy
6. advance/boost the understanding of ...
7. implications - effects
8. 服务业 - service industry
9. birth control bills - 避孕药
10. 在历史的进程中 - over the course of history
11. kick in - begin to take effect
12. residue - a small amount of sth./ the part of money or property
13. culmination - the highest point/end of sth. ≈ prime/climax
🎯Summary 个人总结
📰Background Information/Words of Wisdom (WOW!)
1. 诺奖性别争议 - 女性得奖的贡献领域仍为历史性的经济发现,而非核心理念,so there is still a long way to go
2. 社会+家庭结构的改变→才能推动男女真正同工同酬