今天读到David Perell对杜兰特夫妇所著的《历史的教训》(The Lessons of History )的简评,联想到历史类书评同读者的距离感问题。受文章启发,发现有以下四种方式可以尝试。
1. 将历史和当下的差异放到一起进行描述,强化反差。
“The study of history can be arduous. The social media feeds we inhabit, such as Facebook and Twitter have a recency bias. Most of what we consume is less than 24 hours old."
“It focuses on timeless truths, not today's trends – the antithesis of social media. The book highlights the lessons of history, not the events that define it.”
2. 在对某一问题的历史性讨论之后,将其置于当下场景进行反思。
“Today, we debate how to cope with said inequality.Should we strive for equality of opportunity? Equality of outcome? Should we allow for wealth creation at the expense of equality? ”
3. 假设作者面对当下情景,推测ta的可能回应
“What would Will and Ariel Durant say about modern society?
They’d say that we need diverse perspectives from both liberals (defined as open to new ideas, not Democrats) and conservatives (defined as holding traditional values, not Republicans).”
4. 加入个人经验
“I’ve discovered that America is a great place to be wealthy, but a terrible place to be poor. In New York, where I live, I once watched a celebrity step out of a stretch limousine, who consciously diverted a homeless man begging for a quarter, hoping to escape the frigid winter streets. ”
“Relative to New York, Australia is more communal. Education is free and homelessness is not as common. Australian cities also have higher wages; in Melbourne, I met a barista who makes $33/hour. The New Yorkers I know live to work, but the Australians I met work to live.”
#书评 #历史的教训 #杜兰特
📃 原文题目:The Lessons of History Book Review
🧠 作者:David Perell