Strategic setting
Strategic setting is a setting where the outcomes that affect you depend on actions, not just on your own actions ,but on actions of others
Strictly dominant strategy
My strategy Alpha strictly dominates my strategy Beta (Alpha is strictly dominant strategy, Beta is strictly dominated strategy) if my payoff from Alpha is strictly greater than that from Beta regardless of what others do.
Lesson 1 : Do not play a strictly dominated strategy.
Lesson 2 : Rational choice in Prisoner's Dilemma lead to inefficient outcomes.
Lesson 3 : Payoffs matter. What people care about matter.
Lesson 4 : Put yourself in others' shoes and try to figure out what they will do
The ingredients of a game
ingredient | notation |
players | |
strategies |
payoffs |
In the course, these ingredients are assumed to be known which means everyone knows the possible strategies everyone else could choose and everyone knows everyone else's payoffs, etc.
Strictly dominated strategy
's strategy
is strictly dominated by his strategy
for all
( if
always yields a higher payoff for
no matter what the other people do )
Weakly dominated strategy
's strategy
is weakly dominated by his strategy
for all
for at least one
Iterative deletion of dominated strategies
Putting self in someone else's shoes, and trying to figure out what they are going to do, then think about them putting themselves in your shoes figuring out what you are going to do and so on.
Best response
To think of a strategy that is the best you can do, given your belief about what the other people are doing.(在你对别人如何行动有一定信念时,你能做出的最佳策略)
信念->所有可能的概率 最佳策略->某一信念下达到最大数学期望的策略
Lesson 5 : Do not choose a strategy that is never a best response to any belief
Best response
's strategy
is a best response to the strategies
of the other players if
for all
which also means the best responsesolves
- 估计对方选择哪一策略可能性更大,根据上式决定己方最佳对策 ——直觉可能性——
's strategy
is a best response to the belief
about the other players' choice if
for all
Nash Equilibrium
In a partnership game, 2 players share 50% of the profits each and they need to choose the effort level as his strategy.
- players' continuum of strategies
- total profit
synergy rate
- payoffs
- Iterative deletion of dominated strategies
Nash Equilibrium
Nash Equilibrium
In a strategy profile ,
is a best response to
Motivation 1 : No regrets. In NE, holding everyone else's actions fixed, no individual strategy can do strictly better by moving away.
Motivation 2 : A NE can be thought of as self-fulfilling belief.
Lesson 6 : NE can be a self-enforcing agreement. So in coordination problems, unlike prisoner's dilemma, just communication can help.(协同谬误中存在多个NE,可以利用沟通导向更有利的NE)
Lesson 7 : Coordination games are games where there is a "Scope for leadership".
Games of strategic complements 策略互补博弈
In games of strategic complements, the more the other person does, the more I want to do.
Cournot Duopoly 古诺双寡头模型
- players : 2 firms
- strategies : the quantities of an identical product
- constant marginal cost :
cost of prodution :
market price :
Dutta's Strategy and Games
Joel Watson's Strategies