Innovative. Serious. Dark. Timeless. Provocative. Visually breathtaking. Influential. There are many things that can be said about Blade Runner, the 1982 cult classic based on Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, and when director Denis Villeneuve thirty-five years after the release of the original film presents us with a sequel, all of these superlatives are still applicable.
创新立异、主题严肃、暗黑系、永不过时、视觉惊人、极具影响力…对于1982年那部风靡一时的经典之作《银翼杀手》,大家的评价其实不仅仅于此,该片原作是Philip K. Dick的一部小说——《仿生人会梦见电子羊吗?》,而时隔35年,导演Denis Villeneuve终于向大众推出了续集,可以说,之前对于老片的种种赞誉对于这部新作依然适用。
We are in Los Angeles in the year 2049. In a dystopian universe still suffering from the Blackout, during which all technology was wiped clean, “K” (Ryan Gosling) is a Blade Runner, a police officer hunting and terminating replicants (androids who are nearly indistinguishable from humans). Not the newer models of artificial “humans” designed for slave labor, but the older ones, the ones that have a tendency to step out of line.
影片中,我们处在2049年的洛杉矶。这是一个反乌托邦宇宙,之前遭受了一场“大断电”,所有的技术都被抹去,“K” (Ryan Gosling主演)是一名银翼杀手,也就是专门捕杀仿生人(与人类几乎无法区别)的警察。他要捕杀清除的不是最新设计生产的一批仿生人,而是在大断电之前的一批“旧产品”,而这些老仿生人出现了一种倾向,就是可能不再遵循人类的指令。
On one of these missions “K” unearths a secret that in a major way can change how society works, and in the first half of this astonishingly beautiful futuristic noir we follow him while investigating the potential “miracle”, like it is referred to in the film. As “K” digs deeper into this mystery, he at one point also needs to locate Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), the main character from the 1982 original, that have been missing for the last thirty years, and as a tightly knitted web of backstory is disclosed (including some important links to the original), the long, slow burn of the first half is replaced, to great effect, with a series of encounters and revelations that races toward an emotional, gripping resolution.
K在执行一个任务的过程中发现了一个秘密,而这个秘密则可能改变整个社会的运行方式,在充满了未来色彩和黑色基调的前半段,我们追随主角去调查片中提到的那个可能存在的“奇迹”。而当K即将揭开神秘面纱之时,他同时需要找到Rick Deckard(Harrison Ford扮演),也就是1982年原作里的主角,他已经失踪三十多年,而作为整个幕后故事的重要一环,上半段的“慢烧感”猛地收住,取而代之的是更具情感化的相遇和暗示,这对整部片子产生了绝好的效果。
While this cyberpunk future L.A is not a place you would want to live, it is gorgeous to visit, as 2049 perfectly recreates and expands on the tone and aesthetic of the original, also adding small details like “K’s” hologram girlfriend (Ana de Armas). And thanks to Denis Villeneuve’s willingness to create a film driven by atmosphere and story, rather than spectacle, as well as the excellent work of iconic cinematographer Roger Deakins and composers Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer, Blade Runner 2049 is a must for all who love film.
虽然这个“数字朋克式”的未来洛杉矶不是你可能想要居住的地方,但绝对值得透过屏幕去参观感受,《2049》完美重现甚至丰富了原作的氛围和画面,同时还增加了一些小细节,比如“K”的全息图女友(Ana de Armas扮演)。在这里谢谢Denis Villeneuve愿意创作一部以氛围和故事为主的电影,而不是借用电脑技术仅仅给观众一种科幻的视觉体验。《银翼杀手 2049》绝对是电影发烧友的必看之作。
Never has what is a potential nightmare been more pleasant for both the eye, the heart and the brain. You will be kept on the edge of your seat for the whole 164 minutes.
So run along and watch it. Don’t let yourself be left out in the rain.