整个应用的 state 被储存在一棵 object tree 中,并且这个 object tree 只存在于唯一一个 store 中。
State 是只读的
唯一改变 state 的方法就是触发 action,action 是一个用于描述已发生事件的普通对象。
为了描述 action 如何改变 state tree ,你需要编写 reducers。
import 'package:redux/redux.dart';
void main() {
final store =
Store<CountState>(reducer, initialState: CountState.initState());
runApp(MyApp(store: store))
this.reducer, {
State initialState,
List<Middleware<State>> middleware = const [],
bool syncStream = false,
/// If set to true, the Store will not emit onChange events if the new State
/// that is returned from your [reducer] in response to an Action is equal
/// to the previous state.
/// Under the hood, it will use the `==` method from your State class to
/// determine whether or not the two States are equal.
bool distinct = false,
typedef State Reducer<State>(State state, dynamic action);
class CountState{
int _count;
get count => _count;
CountState.initState() : _count = 0;
enum Action{
CountState reducer(CountState state,action){
if(action == Action.increment){
return CountState(state.count+1);
return state;
class StoreConnector<S, ViewModel> extends StatelessWidget {
/// Build a Widget using the [BuildContext] and [ViewModel]. The [ViewModel]
/// is created by the [converter] function.
final ViewModelBuilder<ViewModel> builder;
/// Convert the [Store] into a [ViewModel]. The resulting [ViewModel] will be
/// passed to the [builder] function.
final StoreConverter<S, ViewModel> converter;
/// As a performance optimization, the Widget can be rebuilt only when the
/// [ViewModel] changes. In order for this to work correctly, you must
/// implement [==] and [hashCode] for the [ViewModel], and set the [distinct]
/// option to true when creating your StoreConnector.
final bool distinct;
/// A function that will be run when the StoreConnector is initially created.
/// It is run in the [State.initState] method.
/// This can be useful for dispatching actions that fetch data for your Widget
/// when it is first displayed.
final OnInitCallback<S> onInit;
/// A function that will be run when the StoreConnector is removed from the
/// Widget Tree.
/// It is run in the [State.dispose] method.
/// This can be useful for dispatching actions that remove stale data from
/// your State tree.
final OnDisposeCallback<S> onDispose;
/// Determines whether the Widget should be rebuilt when the Store emits an
/// onChange event.
final bool rebuildOnChange;
/// A test of whether or not your [converter] function should run in response
/// to a State change. For advanced use only.
/// Some changes to the State of your application will mean your [converter]
/// function can't produce a useful ViewModel. In these cases, such as when
/// performing exit animations on data that has been removed from your Store,
/// it can be best to ignore the State change while your animation completes.
/// To ignore a change, provide a function that returns true or false. If the
/// returned value is true, the change will be ignored.
/// If you ignore a change, and the framework needs to rebuild the Widget, the
/// [builder] function will be called with the latest [ViewModel] produced by
/// your [converter] function.
final IgnoreChangeTest<S> ignoreChange;
/// A function that will be run on State change, before the Widget is built.
/// This function is passed the `ViewModel`, and if `distinct` is `true`,
/// it will only be called if the `ViewModel` changes.
/// This can be useful for imperative calls to things like Navigator,
/// TabController, etc. This can also be useful for triggering actions
/// based on the previous state.
final OnWillChangeCallback<ViewModel> onWillChange;
/// A function that will be run on State change, after the Widget is built.
/// This function is passed the `ViewModel`, and if `distinct` is `true`,
/// it will only be called if the `ViewModel` changes.
/// This can be useful for running certain animations after the build is
/// complete.
/// Note: Using a [BuildContext] inside this callback can cause problems if
/// the callback performs navigation. For navigation purposes, please use
/// [onWillChange].
final OnDidChangeCallback<ViewModel> onDidChange;
/// A function that will be run after the Widget is built the first time.
/// This function is passed the initial `ViewModel` created by the [converter]
/// function.
/// This can be useful for starting certain animations, such as showing
/// Snackbars, after the Widget is built the first time.
final OnInitialBuildCallback<ViewModel> onInitialBuild;
/// Create a [StoreConnector] by passing in the required [converter] and
/// [builder] functions.
/// You can also specify a number of additional parameters that allow you to
/// modify the behavior of the StoreConnector. Please see the documentation
/// for each option for more info.
const StoreConnector({
Key key,
@required this.builder,
@required this.converter,
this.distinct = false,
this.rebuildOnChange = true,
}) : assert(builder != null),
assert(converter != null),
super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return _StoreStreamListener<S, ViewModel>(
store: StoreProvider.of<S>(context),
builder: builder,
converter: converter,
distinct: distinct,
onInit: onInit,
onDispose: onDispose,
rebuildOnChange: rebuildOnChange,
ignoreChange: ignoreChange,
onWillChange: onWillChange,
onDidChange: onDidChange,
onInitialBuild: onInitialBuild,
StoreConnector<CountState, int>(
converter: (store) => store.state.count,
builder: (context, count) {
return Text(
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1,
converter: (store) {
return () => store.dispatch(Action.increment);
builder: (context, callback) {
return FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: callback,
child: Icon(Icons.add),