苏洵:是一个沉默寡言,天赋禀异,气质严谨,思想独立的人。思想独立这一点最为珍贵。虽然性格略微古怪,不易与人相处,但是他不屈从于当下的风气,坚持做自己认为对的事情。是具有Critical Thinking的。不过他的人设属于晚年才发愤读书,名气并不如两个儿子大。可这又有什么呢,每个独特的个体都具有自己细微的不同,如果把目光放得更加长远,人的命运又何敌过世间变迁。散发自身的独特,并接受这种独特,才是正解。
1. What central question is the author answering in this chapter? Write down this question.
The author wants to talk about the hometown of Su, his birth and his family.
2. Identify and share 3 most interesting sentences in the chapter. Can be based on their importance, difficult language, or just a good sentence.
1) Success always awaits a man.
2) Possessing a high intelligence, severe in temperament, independent in mind, and crotchety in character, Su Shiin was not a man easy to get along with.
3) he was born under Scorpio.
Wish is granted. 愿望成真。一直以来都在想,实现愿望该怎么翻译,只想到了wish to come true. 现在又掌握了新技能!
With determination and industry. Industry这里时勤奋的意思。可以用在聊天里啦。
capacity for wine. capacity for alcohol. 形容词我认为用high, large都可以。也可以说 i drink very well. good tolerance of alcohol.
Impetus 助推力,刺激。这个词很棒,要多用。可以用在 ”导致了“,造成了,推动了,这样的意思里。
know one's onions. 自己有个半斤八两的;自知之明;知道个所以然;懂行;知道自己的路数,知道自己手中的牌,有经验。不太确定这个是否现代也经常用,问了Hinative,还没等到回复。