“ Coming to terms is nearly the last stage in any successful business negotiation. All that remains is to sign on the dotted line. But in the reading of a book, coming to terms is the first stage of interpretation. ”
come to terms:让步,妥协,达成协议Come to terms 在商业中是指达成协议,达成共识,双方有这共同的利益。但是在这一章节中的意思应该是指 readers 与 author 在思想是相同,也就是我们说的“ 心有灵犀 ”。除非 reader 与 author come to terms ,双方才能进行交流。Term,is the basic element of communicable knowledge.
有时候当两个人交流不下去的话就会说:“ 我们没有共同语言。” 所以,交流的根就是“共同点”。communication's root is related to the word “ common ”. Communication is an effort on the part of one man to share something with another:his knowledge,his decision,his sentiments.
We have discovered that there are four rules for the first,or analytical,reading.
1.classify the book according to kind and subject matter
2.state what the whole book is about with the utmost brevity
3.define its major parts in their order and relation, andanalyze the separts as you have analyzed the whole
4.define the problem or problems the authors trying to solve
3.通过顺序和文中内容的联系给主要部分下 定义,并且根据整体对这些部分进行分析
如果 term 和 word 刚好相同,我们会很容易的找到 important words,而且知道它的 basic terms;但是 word 有很多意思,我们不会全都知道,而且有时候即使我们知道,在文中的时候也并不全都适用。这时 reader 和 author 就没有 come to terms。So,there is no communication,or at best it must be incomplete. A term can be defined as an umambiguous word.
The second reading,and its rules:spot the important words an author uses and figure out how he uses them. We then put this rule into operation by running down the various meanings of such words as"reading" and "learning." When in any context you knew precisely what I meant when I used these words, you had come to terms with me.
画出作者使用的重要的单词。无论是在阅读还是学习的过程中,如果我们能明确的、准确的知道作者写作的目的和所使用词的意思,那我们就和作者 come to terms.
在后来,关于这个规则,作者又重新准确的考究的论述了一遍。The author makes that a little more precise and elegant:find the important words and through them come to terms with the author. (找到重要的单词,并且能和作者 come to terms)
Note that the rule has two parts. The first step is to locate the words which make a difference. The second is to determine their meanings,as used,with precision.
One word can represent several terms. One way to remember this is to distinguish between the aythor's technical vocabulary (专业术语)and his analytical terminology(分析术语)
There are several further complications.
In the first place,a word which has several distinct meanings can be used either in a single sense or in a combination of senses.
In the second place,there is the problem of synonyms.
In the third place,ther is a matter of phrases.
Therefore,that a term can be expressed by a phrases as well as by a word.