



# 只能分析英文

txt <- "1000pcs 8*32mm 0.5ml Plastic Centrifuge Tube Test Tubing Vial Clear Plastic Container Home Garden Storage Bottles。1000pcs 6*22mm 0.2ml Plastic Bottles Gardening Storage Container Transparent Plastic Vials PCR Centrifuge Tube"
# sentiment参数能够自动进行情感分析,word_dims则可以使用词袋模型对文本进行向量化,normalize参数可以对数据按列进行归一化。全部关闭
textfeatures(txt, sentiment = F, word_dims = F, normalize = F,
             verbose = F) %>%
  # 显示所有结果
  print(width = Inf)
## # A tibble: 1 × 29
##   n_urls n_uq_urls n_hashtags n_uq_hashtags n_mentions n_uq_mentions n_chars
##    <int>     <int>      <int>         <int>      <int>         <int>   <int>
## 1      0         0          0             0          0             0     196
##   n_uq_chars n_commas n_digits n_exclaims n_extraspaces n_lowers n_lowersp
##        <int>    <int>    <int>      <int>         <int>    <int>     <dbl>
## 1         35        0       18          0             0      147     0.751
##   n_periods n_words n_uq_words n_caps n_nonasciis n_puncts n_capsp
##       <int>   <int>      <int>  <int>       <int>    <int>   <dbl>
## 1         3      29         20     26           0        2   0.137
##   n_charsperword n_first_person n_first_personp n_second_person
##            <dbl>          <int>           <int>           <int>
## 1           6.57              0               0               0
##   n_second_personp n_third_person n_tobe n_prepositions
##              <int>          <int>  <int>          <int>
## 1                0              0      0              0

● n_urls:文本中包含的URL的数量。
● n_uq_urls:文本中包含唯一URL的数量(本例中的计算结果并不准确)。
● n_chars:总字符数量;
● n_commas:逗号的数量;
● n_lowers:小写字符数量;
● n_lowersp:小写字符比例;
● n_words:单词总数量;
● n_uq_words:唯一单词的数量;
● n_first_person:第一人称单数单词的数量;
● n_second_personp:第二人称复数单词的数量;
● n_prepositions:介词的数量。



p_load(dplyr, stringr, purrr)

2.1 读取数据


storagebottles <- read.csv("dataset/ali/storagebottles0905.csv", 
                           header = F) %>% 
  set_names(c("sku_name", "sku_price", "sku_sale_volume", "sku_score",
              "sku_ship", "sku_isNewin", "sku_isPromotion", 
              "sku_isTopselling", "shop_name", "sku_link", "category4")) %>%
  distinct(.keep_all = T)

storagebottles <- storagebottles %>% 
  filter(!is.na(sku_name)) %>%
  filter(str_detect(sku_price, "^US")) %>% 
  filter(str_detect(sku_link, "aliexpress")) %>% 
  filter(str_detect(sku_sale_volume, "sold")) %>% 
  mutate(category = "home",
         category2 = "Home Storage",
         category3 = "Storage Bottles & Jars")  %>% 
  mutate(sku_id = str_extract(sku_link, "\\d{16}"),
         sku_link = paste0("http:", sku_link)) %>% 
  mutate(sku_id = as.character(sku_id)) %>% 
  arrange(sku_sale_volume) %>% 
  group_by(sku_id, .drop = T) %>% 
  slice_tail(n=1) %>% 

df <- select(storagebottles, sku_id, sku_name)
count(df, sku_id, stem) %>% 
  bind_tf_idf(term = stem, 
              document = sku_id, 
              n = n)
## # A tibble: 19,586 × 6
##    sku_id           stem          n     tf   idf tf_idf
##    <chr>            <chr>     <int>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 2251801564728378 0.5ml         1 0.0588 5.70  0.335 
##  2 2251801564728378 1000pcs       1 0.0588 6.40  0.376 
##  3 2251801564728378 32mm          1 0.0588 7.09  0.417 
##  4 2251801564728378 8             1 0.0588 4.89  0.288 
##  5 2251801564728378 bottl         1 0.0588 0.542 0.0319
##  6 2251801564728378 centrifug     1 0.0588 4.79  0.282 
##  7 2251801564728378 clear         1 0.0588 2.29  0.135 
##  8 2251801564728378 contain       1 0.0588 0.549 0.0323
##  9 2251801564728378 garden        1 0.0588 5.48  0.322 
## 10 2251801564728378 home          1 0.0588 2.60  0.153 
## # … with 19,576 more rows

2.2 词嵌入

2.2.1 基于BOW(词袋模型)



count(df, sku_id, stem) %>% 
  bind_tf_idf(term = stem, 
              document = sku_id, 
              n = n) %>% 
  cast_dfm(document = sku_id,
           term = stem,
           value = tf_idf)
## Document-feature matrix of: 1,198 documents, 1,641 features (99.00% sparse) and 0 docvars.
##                   features
## docs                   0.5ml   1000pcs      32mm         8      bottl
##   2251801564728378 0.3354185 0.3761919 0.4169652 0.2877167 0.03186020
##   2251801564729229 0         0.4263508 0         0         0.03610822
##   2251832228713647 0         0         0         0         0.02850649
##   2251832295192632 0         0         0         0         0         
##   2251832346856028 0         0         0         0         0         
##   2251832357989488 0         0         0         0         0         
##                   features
## docs               centrifug     clear    contain    garden      home
##   2251801564728378 0.2815190 0.1348599 0.03228370 0.3222924 0.1529278
##   2251801564729229 0.3190549 0         0.03658819 0.3652647 0        
##   2251832228713647 0         0         0          0         0        
##   2251832295192632 0         0         0          0         0        
##   2251832346856028 0         0         0.03430143 0         0        
##   2251832357989488 0         0         0.05226884 0         0        
## [ reached max_ndoc ... 1,192 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 1,631 more features ]



df <- select(storagebottles, sku_id, sku_name)

# 预处理及分词
it <- itoken(df$sku_name,
             # 预处理函数定义,转换为小写
             preprocessor = tolower,
             # 分词器定义,使用空格分割
             tokenizer = word_tokenizer,
             ids = df$sku_id,
             # 是否显示进度条
             progressbar = F)

# 构建词汇表
vocab <- create_vocabulary(it)

# 文本向量化
vec <- vocab_vectorizer(vocab)

# 创建DTM矩阵,顺便测试时间
  dtm_train <- create_dtm(it = it,
                          vectorizer = vec)
## 用户 系统 流逝 
## 0.00 0.03 0.03

2.2.2 基于word2vec



mod <- word2vec(x = df$sku_name,
                # 输出向量的维度
                dim = 10,
                # 迭代次数
                iter = 20,
                # 使用COBW模型还是skip-gram模型
                type = "cbow")

# 转换为矩阵
emb <- as.matrix(mod)
##               [,1]       [,2]        [,3]       [,4]       [,5]       [,6]
## Beads   -1.9400728 -0.0888407 -0.08349484 -1.2562962 -0.2697616 -1.8421835
## Weekly  -1.1608911 -0.4651599 -0.25436968 -1.4303011 -0.9386142 -1.7998306
## PVC      0.3128605  0.8036703  0.09885665 -2.0803137  0.7472407 -0.4748393
## Foaming -0.7814559 -0.2095719  0.88936573  0.2705340 -0.1661042 -1.4170694
## Flat     0.4067485 -0.7098307 -0.97712469 -0.8143641  0.9589156 -0.3076381
## Herbs   -0.7869626  1.7579030  0.37374184 -1.6308879 -1.1516812 -0.4863058
##               [,7]       [,8]        [,9]      [,10]
## Beads   -0.5022707  0.6688779  0.68726629 0.06747537
## Weekly  -0.5683426  1.3080628  0.29630077 0.28856692
## PVC     -1.0187222  1.5673116  0.50875384 0.61791813
## Foaming -2.1313248  0.8421388 -1.07562840 0.19196655
## Flat     0.2689168  1.7321179  0.43238384 1.85447288
## Herbs   -0.1345760 -0.6410958  0.05552098 1.22308218
# 与container最接近的5个词
predict(mod, c("plastic"), type = "nearest", top_n = 5)
## $plastic
##     term1       term2 similarity rank
## 1 plastic transparent  0.9843451    1
## 2 plastic       empty  0.9740745    2
## 3 plastic       small  0.9626620    3
## 4 plastic     perfume  0.9494769    4
## 5 plastic      bottle  0.9455841    5
# 模型保存,path为自定义路径
write.word2vec(mod, file = path)

# 模型读取

2.2.3 基于Glove



tokens <- df %>% 
  # 使用空格分词
  mutate(sku_name = tolower(sku_name)) %>% 
  mutate(token = space_tokenizer(sku_name)) %>% 

# 设置迭代器
it <- itoken(df$sku_name, # 这个是语料
             # 转为小写
             preprocessor = tolower, 
             # 使用空格分词
             tokenizer = space_tokenizer,   
             ids = df$sku_id,
             progressbar = F)
# 创建词汇表,加载停止词
vocab <- create_vocabulary(it, stopwords = tm::stopwords())

# 保留出现5次以上的词
vocab <- prune_vocabulary(vocabulary = vocab,
                          term_count_min = 5L)
# 形成语料文件
vectorizer <- vocab_vectorizer(vocabulary = vocab)

# 构建DTM矩阵,窗口宽度设置为5
tcm <- create_tcm(it, vectorizer, skip_grams_window = 5L)

# 设置词向量维度设为50
glove <- GlobalVectors$new(rank = 50,
                           # 权重为最大共现数
                           x_max = 10)
# SDG迭代次数为10
wv_main <- glove$fit_transform(x = tcm, n_iter = 10, 
                               convergence_tol = 0.01,
                               # 不加参数默认所有线程并行计算
                               n_threads = 4)
## INFO  [15:27:30.119] epoch 1, loss 0.3156
## INFO  [15:27:30.137] epoch 2, loss 0.1382
## INFO  [15:27:30.155] epoch 3, loss 0.1033
## INFO  [15:27:30.172] epoch 4, loss 0.0841
## INFO  [15:27:30.190] epoch 5, loss 0.0708
## INFO  [15:27:30.208] epoch 6, loss 0.0610
## INFO  [15:27:30.226] epoch 7, loss 0.0534
## INFO  [15:27:30.243] epoch 8, loss 0.0473
## INFO  [15:27:30.260] epoch 9, loss 0.0423
## INFO  [15:27:30.277] epoch 10, loss 0.0382
wv_content <- glove$components
## [1]  50 538
# 最终结果
word_vectors <- wv_main + t(wv_content)

2.2.4 基于fastText

fastText 模型架构和 Word2Vec 中的 CBOW 模型很类似。不同之处在于,fastText 预测标签,而 CBOW 模型预测中间词。


# 一直报错,原因是R4.2.1,需要安装rtools4.2,否则安装会报错

 # 生成文本
txt <- df %>% 
  pull(sku_name) %>% 
  tolower() %>% 

# 构建文本文档,执行向量化
tmp_file_txt <- tempfile()
tmp_file_model <- tempfile()

writeLines(txt, con = tmp_file_txt)
execute(commands = c("skipgram", "-input", tmp_file_txt,
                     "-output", tmp_file_model,
                     "-verbose", 1))
Read 0M words
## Number of words:  548
## Number of labels: 0
Progress: 100.0% words/sec/thread:   34165 lr:  0.000000 avg.loss:  3.049489 ETA:   0h 0m 0s
# 载入模型
model <- load_model(tmp_file_model)

# 获取字典
dict <- get_dictionary(model)

# 获得词向量
word_vectors <- get_word_vectors(model)

# 释放内存
##           used  (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) max used  (Mb)
## Ncells 3840040 205.1    6683084 357.0  6683084 357.0
## Vcells 7261552  55.5   14786712 112.9 10146316  77.5

-input 训练文件路径
-output 输出文件路径
-verbose 详细级别,默认2

-minCount 最少单词出现次数,默认5
-minCountLabel 最少标签出现次数,默认0
-wordNgrams ngram最大单词数,默认1
-bucket 存储体数量,默认2000000
-minn ngram最小字符长度,默认3
-maxn ngram最大字符长度,默认6
-t 采样阈值,默认0.0001
-label 标签前缀,默认_label_

-lr 学习速度,默认0.05
-lrUpdateRate 学习速度的更新率,默认100
-dim 词矩阵维度,默认100
-ws 上下文窗口大小,默认5
-epoch 时期数,默认5
-neg 负采样数,默认5
-loss 损失函数 {ns, hs, softmax},默认ns
-thread 线程数,默认12
-pretrainedVectors 用于监督的预训练词向量,默认为空
-saveOutput 是否保存输出参数,默认0

-cutoff 要保留的单词和 ngram 的数量,默认0
-retrain 如果应用了截止,则微调嵌入,默认0
-qnorm 分别量化范数,默认0
-qout 量化分类器,默认0
-dsub 每个子向量的大小,默认2



p_load(textTinyR, text2vec)

tokens <- df %>% 
  mutate(sku_name = tolower(sku_name)) %>% 
  mutate(token = space_tokenizer(sku_name)) %>% 

it <- itoken(tokens, progressbar = F)
vocab <- create_vocabulary(it)
vocab <- prune_vocabulary(vocab, term_count_min = 5L)

vectorizer <- vocab_vectorizer(vocab)
tcm <- create_tcm(it, vectorizer, skip_grams_window = 5L)

glove <- GlobalVectors$new(rank = 50, x_max = 10)
# SDG迭代次数为10
wv_main <- glove$fit_transform(x = tcm, n_iter = 10)
## INFO  [15:27:41.400] epoch 1, loss 0.3118
## INFO  [15:27:41.417] epoch 2, loss 0.1380
## INFO  [15:27:41.433] epoch 3, loss 0.1033
## INFO  [15:27:41.450] epoch 4, loss 0.0842
## INFO  [15:27:41.470] epoch 5, loss 0.0710
## INFO  [15:27:41.486] epoch 6, loss 0.0613
## INFO  [15:27:41.504] epoch 7, loss 0.0537
## INFO  [15:27:41.520] epoch 8, loss 0.0476
## INFO  [15:27:41.537] epoch 9, loss 0.0427
## INFO  [15:27:41.553] epoch 10, loss 0.0385
wv_content <- glove$components
## [1]  50 548
# 最终结果
word_vectors <- wv_main + t(wv_content)

# 保存词向量
write.table(word_vectors, file = "wv.txt", col.names = F)

# 转化清洗
readLines("wv.txt") %>% 
  str_remove_all("\\\"") %>% 

# 提取需要向量化的文档
tok_text <- tokens

# 文档向量化
init <- Doc2Vec$new(token_list = tok_text,
                    word_vector_FILE = "wv.txt")

# method参数使用了“sum_sqrt”,它表示文档向量会对词汇向量先进行简单加和获得一个新的向量
# INITIAL_WORD_VECTOR,然后对这个向量求平方和再开方得到一个标量k,
# 最后INITIAL_WORD_VECTOR除以k就是最后的文档向量。
out <- init$doc2vec_methods(method = "sum_sqrt")

# 删除向量化词汇表
  • 序言:七十年代末,一起剥皮案震惊了整个滨河市,随后出现的几起案子,更是在滨河造成了极大的恐慌,老刑警刘岩,带你破解...
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  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
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