如图,来自于前些天的一条推文。一份 1983 年麦金塔个人电脑的用户教育文档中,列印了四条意见。它们的对象是彼时面对「个人微型计算机」这一「未知事物」,充满着无限恐惧的大众用户。
Four Comforting Thoughts
- You can't hurt the macintosh by pressing the mouse button or typing on the keyboard.
- Moving the mouse only moves the pointer: nothing happens until you press and release the mouse button.
- Most changes you make can be undone. Those that can't be undone warn you beforehand.
- Work you do on a document doesn't replace the previous version of the document until you explicity save the new changes on the disk.
- 光是按按鼠标,敲敲键盘,并不会损坏您的麦金塔。
- 移动鼠标只是移动屏幕上的光标,除非您点按鼠标按钮,不然什么都不会发生。
- 您可以撤销大多数的操作,那些无法撤销的操作会在执行前予以警告。
- 除非您将针对文件的改动操作存盘,否则那些改动并不会自己覆盖替换您的原文件。