Companionship of Books (2)
Samuel Smiles
A good book maybe among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness, amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.
知识点1: 形容词最高级 + of +名词(复数)
the best of friends (最好的朋友)
the most patient and cheerful of companions(最有耐心、最令人愉悦的伴侣)
the best of friends:在朋友这个范畴中最好的(那一个)
the most patient and cheerful of companions:在陪伴者这个范畴中最有耐心、最令人愉悦的(那一个)
比较:the best of friends VS the best friend
He is the best of friends:朋友有很多,但最好的那一个是他。(friends指的是范畴)
He is my best friend: 他是我最好的朋友。(friend指的是他这个人)
知识点2: 分词作状语的排比结构
amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age
讲解:这两个平行的分词结构在句子中做状语,共同表示好书是如何一如既往地对我们亲切相待的。这个排比结构分别从年轻(in youth)和年老(in age)这两个时段来描述好书的作用,前后均使用了并列的两个现在分词搭配逻辑宾语us,形成一种对称美。
Sharing can provide us with the constant joy,enriching our inner world when we are poor, and purifying our soul when we are rich.