57.A well-known sports figure found that combining publicity tourswith playing tours led to problems, so she stopped combining the two. She nolonger allows bookstore appearances and playing in competition to occur in thesame city within the same trip. This week she is traveling to London to play ina major competition, so during her stay in London she will not be making anypublicity appearances at any bookstore in London.
Which one of the following most closelyparallels the reasoning used in the passage?
(A) Wherever there is an Acme Bugkiller,many wasps are killed. The Z family garden has an Acme Bugkiller, so any waspsremaining in the garden will soon be killed.
(B) The only times that the hospital’semergency room staff attends to relatively less serious emergencies are timeswhen there is no critical emergency to attend to. On Monday night the emergencyroom staff attended to a series of fairly minor emergencies, so there must nothave been any critical emergencies to take care of at the time.
(C) Tomato plants require hot summers tothrive. Farms in the cool summers of country Y probably do not have thrivingtomato plants.
(D) Higher grades lead to better jobopportunities, and studying leads to higher grades. Therefore, studying will leadto better job opportunities.
(E) Butter knives are not sharp. Q was not
murdered with a sharp blade, so suspect X’s butterknife may have been the murder weapon.
58.The advanced technology of ski boots and bindings has brought adramatic drop in the incidence of injuries that occur on the slopes of skiresorts: from 9 injuries per 1,000 skiers in 1950 to 3 in 1980. As a result,the remainder of ski-related injuries, which includes all injuries occurring onthe premises of a ski resort but not on the slopes, rose from 10 percent of allski-related injuries in 1950 to 25 percent in 1980. The incidence of theseinjuries, including accidents such as falling down steps, increases with theamount of alcohol consumed per skier.
Which one of the following conflicts withinformation in the passage?
(A) The number of ski injuries that occurredon the slopes was greater in 1980 than in 1950.
(B) A skier was less likely to be injured onthe slopes in 1950 than in 1980.
(C) The reporting of ski injuries becamemore accurate between 1950 and 1980.
(D) The total number of skiers droppedbetween 1950 and 1980.
(E) Some ski-related injuries occurred in1980 to people who were not skiing.