1. Alone 独自的
I have been alone for two years. 我已经单身两年了。
2. Available 可获得的
It turns out finding an available man. 原来是找个单身男子。
3. Bachelor 单身汉;bachelorette 单身女性
He is excited about the bachelor party. 他对单身派对特别期待。
Don’t be a bachelor your whole life. 可别一辈子打光棍。
4. Celibate (尤指因宗教信仰等)独身的
Tell me you're not thinking of taking the black. And go celibate?
5. Fancy-free (因无家室或责任等)而无拘无束的,没有牵挂的
Now you are footloose and fancy-free. 你现在是自由身了。
6. Single 单身的
How long have you been single for? 你单身多久了?
Singles’ Day has been a retail blockbuster. 光棍节已经成为零售业的一个重磅炸弹。
7. Unattached 单身的,未恋爱的
Both of them are still unattached after they broke up. 分手后至今,他们都还单身。
8. Left on the shelf/ leftover woman 尤指剩女
She was afraid of getting left on the shelf. 她害怕嫁不出去。
She was afraid of being a leftover woman. 她害怕成为大龄剩女。
9. Not see anybody 没和任何人约会
She is not seeing anybody. 她还单身呢(没和任何人约会)。