今天是小朋友年前最后一次课了,小朋友对老师有种依依不舍的感觉,老师和小朋友感情很深了,他们很喜欢这位美女老师,当我提议和美女老师拍合影时,小朋友都争先恐后的要拍合影,我也很感谢Anya老师,她真得很努力,很热爱孩子,有耐心,鼓励孩子们成长,临走时孩子们都向老师大声说goodbye to teacher,Anya. 孩子们都好棒啊。
Today students continued working on African mask project and then did a short project drawing rainbow flowers and the vase.
Leo came in the class very focused. I see how his coloring improved. He did a great job on his mask. Then his rainbow vase was beautiful too, very brave and confident design.
Ivy carefully colored her mask, I like her color choices. She had lots of details and managed to finish her mask fast and beautiful! He vase design was great, too. I can see how she slowly develops her personal style!
Nancy worked on her space project characters. I love her design, so many details and very original. She did a quick coloring and then started the rainbow flower design. Great attention to detail!
Johnny started the class very well, he returned to some unfinished areas and colored all the white spots. For his vase project he drew a big vase, very nice shape and then added flowers. He put a lot of imagination to create his vase pattern and filled the background with details. It was a good excises for Johnny to draw small lines and he did a great job!
Jason was very focused and colored everything very well. He really surprised me with his flower design, showed beautiful lines and made a very magical flower boucquette. Paid lots of attention to details as well.
Kids did a great job today as always. It was a fun course, I enjoyed working with the kids and learning about them every class. Have a great holiday everyone and I hope to see you in the next semester.