- 一张有效订单需要在72小时之内完成。
- 有效的订单会持续不断的进行处理。
- 业务人员更加关心未完成订单。
- 双11会在10月份之后就开始进行预售。
我们创建1000万条订单记录和1000多万条(1 : 1.3)订单明细记录来模拟数据库的压力。
1.1. 订单总量较大的问题
-- 订单表
create table trade_order
id bigserial not null,
channel varchar(4) not null,
out_id varchar(100) not null,
shop_code varchar(50) not null,
shop_name varchar(200) not null,
paid_time timestamp null,
buyer_name varchar(200) not null,
buyer_memo varchar(2000) null,
receiver_name varchar(200) not null,
receiver_mobile varchar(20) not null,
receiver_country_code varchar(50) null,
receiver_city_code varchar(50) null,
receiver_province_code varchar(50) null,
receiver_area_code varchar(50) null,
receiver_address varchar(50) null,
receiver_zip varchar(50) null,
status varchar(4) not null,
created_time timestamp not null,
updated_time timestamp not null,
constraint trade_order_pk primary key (id, channel, created_time) -- 分区表的分区键必须包含在主键中
) partition by list (channel);
create table trade_order_tm partition of trade_order for values in (1) partition by range (created_time);
create table trade_order_tm_201901 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-01-01') to ('2019-02-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201902 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-02-01') to ('2019-03-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201903 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-03-01') to ('2019-04-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201904 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-04-01') to ('2019-05-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201905 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-05-01') to ('2019-06-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201906 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-06-01') to ('2019-07-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201907 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-07-01') to ('2019-08-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201908 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-08-01') to ('2019-09-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201909 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-09-01') to ('2019-10-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201910 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-10-01') to ('2019-11-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201911 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-11-01') to ('2019-12-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201912 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-12-01') to ('2020-01-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip partition of trade_order for values in (2, 3) partition by range (created_time);
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201901 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-01-01') to ('2019-02-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201902 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-02-01') to ('2019-03-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201903 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-03-01') to ('2019-04-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201904 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-04-01') to ('2019-05-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201905 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-05-01') to ('2019-06-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201906 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-06-01') to ('2019-07-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201907 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-07-01') to ('2019-08-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201908 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-08-01') to ('2019-09-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201909 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-09-01') to ('2019-10-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201910 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-10-01') to ('2019-11-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201911 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-11-01') to ('2019-12-01');
create table trade_order_jd_vip_201912 partition of trade_order_jd_vip for values from ('2019-12-01') to ('2020-01-01');
create table trade_order_gw partition of trade_order for values in (4) partition by range (created_time);
create table trade_order_gw_201901 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-01-01') to ('2019-02-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201902 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-02-01') to ('2019-03-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201903 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-03-01') to ('2019-04-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201904 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-04-01') to ('2019-05-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201905 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-05-01') to ('2019-06-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201906 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-06-01') to ('2019-07-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201907 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-07-01') to ('2019-08-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201908 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-08-01') to ('2019-09-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201909 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-09-01') to ('2019-10-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201910 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-10-01') to ('2019-11-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201911 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-11-01') to ('2019-12-01');
create table trade_order_gw_201912 partition of trade_order_gw for values from ('2019-12-01') to ('2020-01-01');
comment on table trade_order is '订单表';
comment on column trade_order.id is '订单ID';
comment on column trade_order.channel is '渠道';
comment on column trade_order.out_id is '外部订单ID';
comment on column trade_order.shop_code is '店铺编码';
comment on column trade_order.shop_name is '店铺名称';
comment on column trade_order.paid_time is '支付时间';
comment on column trade_order.buyer_name is '买家昵称';
comment on column trade_order.buyer_memo is '买家备注';
comment on column trade_order.receiver_name is '收货人昵称';
comment on column trade_order.receiver_mobile is '收货人手机号';
comment on column trade_order.receiver_country_code is '收货人国家编码';
comment on column trade_order.receiver_province_code is '收货人省份编码';
comment on column trade_order.receiver_city_code is '收货人城市编码';
comment on column trade_order.receiver_area_code is '收货人地区编码';
comment on column trade_order.receiver_address is '收货人详细地址';
comment on column trade_order.receiver_zip is '收货人邮政编码';
comment on column trade_order.status is '订单状态';
comment on column trade_order.created_time is '创建时间';
comment on column trade_order.updated_time is '最后时间';
-- 订单明细表
create table order_item
id bigserial not null,
order_id bigint not null,
order_channel varchar(4) not null,
serial int not null,
sku_id varchar(50) not null,
name varchar(200) not null,
quantity int not null,
tag_price decimal(16, 2) not null,
purchase_price decimal(16, 2) not null,
given boolean not null default false,
order_created_time timestamp not null,
created_time timestamp not null,
updated_time timestamp not null,
constraint order_item_pk
primary key (id, order_channel, order_created_time)
) partition by list (order_channel);
create table order_item_tm partition of order_item for values in (1) partition by range (order_created_time);
create table order_item_tm_201901 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-01-01') to ('2019-02-01');
create table order_item_tm_201902 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-02-01') to ('2019-03-01');
create table order_item_tm_201903 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-03-01') to ('2019-04-01');
create table order_item_tm_201904 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-04-01') to ('2019-05-01');
create table order_item_tm_201905 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-05-01') to ('2019-06-01');
create table order_item_tm_201906 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-06-01') to ('2019-07-01');
create table order_item_tm_201907 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-07-01') to ('2019-08-01');
create table order_item_tm_201908 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-08-01') to ('2019-09-01');
create table order_item_tm_201909 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-09-01') to ('2019-10-01');
create table order_item_tm_201910 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-10-01') to ('2019-11-01');
create table order_item_tm_201911 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-11-01') to ('2019-12-01');
create table order_item_tm_201912 partition of order_item_tm for values from ('2019-12-01') to ('2020-01-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip partition of order_item for values in (2, 3) partition by range (order_created_time);
create table order_item_jd_vip_201901 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-01-01') to ('2019-02-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201902 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-02-01') to ('2019-03-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201903 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-03-01') to ('2019-04-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201904 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-04-01') to ('2019-05-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201905 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-05-01') to ('2019-06-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201906 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-06-01') to ('2019-07-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201907 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-07-01') to ('2019-08-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201908 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-08-01') to ('2019-09-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201909 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-09-01') to ('2019-10-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201910 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-10-01') to ('2019-11-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201911 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-11-01') to ('2019-12-01');
create table order_item_jd_vip_201912 partition of order_item_jd_vip for values from ('2019-12-01') to ('2020-01-01');
create table order_item_gw partition of order_item for values in (4) partition by range (order_created_time);
create table order_item_gw_201901 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-01-01') to ('2019-02-01');
create table order_item_gw_201902 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-02-01') to ('2019-03-01');
create table order_item_gw_201903 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-03-01') to ('2019-04-01');
create table order_item_gw_201904 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-04-01') to ('2019-05-01');
create table order_item_gw_201905 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-05-01') to ('2019-06-01');
create table order_item_gw_201906 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-06-01') to ('2019-07-01');
create table order_item_gw_201907 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-07-01') to ('2019-08-01');
create table order_item_gw_201908 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-08-01') to ('2019-09-01');
create table order_item_gw_201909 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-09-01') to ('2019-10-01');
create table order_item_gw_201910 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-10-01') to ('2019-11-01');
create table order_item_gw_201911 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-11-01') to ('2019-12-01');
create table order_item_gw_201912 partition of order_item_gw for values from ('2019-12-01') to ('2020-01-01');
comment on table order_item is '订单明细表';
comment on column order_item.id is '订单明细ID';
comment on column order_item.order_id is '订单ID';
comment on column order_item.order_channel is '订单渠道';
comment on column order_item.sku_id is 'SKU ID';
comment on column order_item.name is '商品名称';
comment on column order_item.quantity is 'SKU数量';
comment on column order_item.tag_price is '商品吊牌价';
comment on column order_item.purchase_price is '商品实际购买价';
comment on column order_item.given is '是否赠送';
comment on column order_item.order_created_time is '订单创建时间';
comment on column order_item.created_time is '创建时间';
comment on column order_item.updated_time is '最后更新时间';
但是对于双11的特殊跨月访问情况,这种分区会导致通过查询条件 created_time between '2019-08-15' and '2019-09-11' 进行查询
1.2. 有效的未完成的订单数据量问题
-- 记录数 258421
explain ( analyze true , costs , buffers , timing , verbose false )
select count(1)
from trade_order a
where a.channel = '1' -- 天猫渠道
and a.created_time between '2019-08-15' and '2019-09-11'
and exists(select 1
from order_item b
where b.order_id = a.id
and b.order_channel = '1'
and b.order_created_time between '2019-08-15' and '2019-09-11'
and b.given = false
and a.status <> '4'; -- 非已完成
Aggregate (cost=55928.48..55928.49 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=4229.916..4229.916 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=3733186
-> Nested Loop (cost=55370.28..55569.78 rows=143480 width=0) (actual time=918.037..4201.476 rows=258421 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=3733186
-> HashAggregate (cost=55369.85..55371.85 rows=200 width=8) (actual time=917.986..1064.494 rows=458923 loops=1)
Group Key: b.order_id
Buffers: shared hit=513961
-> Append (cost=0.42..53531.74 rows=735244 width=8) (actual time=0.029..676.242 rows=737540 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=513961
-> Index Scan using order_item_tm_201908_order_created_time_idx on order_item_tm_201908 b (cost=0.42..27599.23 rows=459737 width=8) (actual time=0.028..393.246 rows=459178 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((order_created_time >= '2019-08-15 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (order_created_time <= '2019-09-11 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
Filter: ((NOT given) AND ((order_channel)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 68553
Buffers: shared hit=319756
-> Index Scan using order_item_tm_201909_order_created_time_idx on order_item_tm_201909 b_1 (cost=0.42..22256.30 rows=275507 width=8) (actual time=0.031..223.477 rows=278362 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((order_created_time >= '2019-08-15 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (order_created_time <= '2019-09-11 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
Filter: ((NOT given) AND ((order_channel)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 42161
Buffers: shared hit=194205
-> Append (cost=0.42..0.97 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=0.006..0.007 rows=1 loops=458923)
Buffers: shared hit=3219225
-> Index Scan using trade_order_tm_201908_pkey on trade_order_tm_201908 a (cost=0.42..0.48 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=0 loops=458923)
Index Cond: ((id = b.order_id) AND ((channel)::text = '1'::text) AND (created_time >= '2019-08-15 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (created_time <= '2019-09-11 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
Filter: ((status)::text <> '4'::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 0
Buffers: shared hit=1666012
-> Index Scan using trade_order_tm_201909_pkey on trade_order_tm_201909 a_1 (cost=0.42..0.48 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=0 loops=458923)
Index Cond: ((id = b.order_id) AND ((channel)::text = '1'::text) AND (created_time >= '2019-08-15 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (created_time <= '2019-09-11 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
Filter: ((status)::text <> '4'::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 0
Buffers: shared hit=1553213
Planning Time: 4.085 ms
Execution Time: 4233.171 ms
因为我们使用的下单时间为 ['2019-08-15', '2019-09-11'],它跨越了2个时间区间,我们发现查询已经正确的使用了分区表 trade_order_tm_201908,trade_order_tm_201909 和 order_item_tm_201908,order_item_tm_201909 ,但是对于25万的数据量进行嵌套循环扫描,数据库还是消耗了4秒钟的时间,虽然我们可以通过修改数据库的参数(只在会话中生效)强制使用
-- 表最小大小启用并行
set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-- 索引最小大小启用并行
set min_parallel_index_scan_size = 0;
-- 并行扫描记录的花费
set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
-- 启动一个并行进程的花费
set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-- 指定表的并行度(并行度不要超过物理核心数)
alter table trade_order_tm_201908 set (parallel_workers = 4);
alter table trade_order_tm_201909 set (parallel_workers = 4);
alter table order_item_tm_201908 set (parallel_workers = 4);
alter table order_item_tm_201909 set (parallel_workers = 4);
create table trade_order_tm_201901 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-01-01') to ('2019-04-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201904 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-04-01') to ('2019-07-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201907 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-07-01') to ('2019-10-01');
create table trade_order_tm_201910 partition of trade_order_tm for values from ('2019-10-01') to ('2020-01-01');
-- 。。。
explain ( analyze true , costs , buffers , timing , verbose false )
select count(1)
from trade_order a
where a.channel = '1' -- 天猫渠道
and a.created_time between '2019-09-01' and '2019-09-11'
and exists(select 1
from order_item b
where b.order_id = a.id
and b.order_channel = '1'
and b.order_created_time between '2019-08-15' and '2019-09-11'
and b.given = false
and a.status <> '4'; -- 非已完成
Finalize Aggregate (cost=50944.40..50944.41 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=209.440..209.441 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=771773
-> Gather (cost=50944.09..50944.40 rows=3 width=8) (actual time=209.310..236.256 rows=4 loops=1)
Workers Planned: 3
Workers Launched: 3
Buffers: shared hit=771773
-> Partial Aggregate (cost=49944.09..49944.10 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=204.051..204.051 rows=1 loops=4)
Buffers: shared hit=771773
-> Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=0.42..49900.92 rows=17266 width=0) (actual time=0.125..201.552 rows=24395 loops=4)
Buffers: shared hit=771773
-> Parallel Append (cost=0.00..19269.75 rows=34533 width=8) (actual time=0.022..56.565 rows=26988 loops=4)
Buffers: shared hit=15394
-> Parallel Seq Scan on trade_order_tm_201909 a (cost=0.00..19097.08 rows=34533 width=8) (actual time=0.021..54.215 rows=26988 loops=4)
Filter: ((created_time >= '2019-09-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (created_time <= '2019-09-11 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ((status)::text <> '4'::text) AND ((channel)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 116507
Buffers: shared hit=15394
-> Append (cost=0.42..1.33 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=0.005..0.005 rows=1 loops=107950)
Buffers: shared hit=756379
-> Index Scan using order_item_tm_201908_order_id_idx on order_item_tm_201908 b (cost=0.42..0.66 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=107950)
Index Cond: (order_id = a.id)
Filter: ((NOT given) AND (order_created_time >= '2019-08-15 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (order_created_time <= '2019-09-11 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ((order_channel)::text = '1'::text))
Buffers: shared hit=324171
-> Index Scan using order_item_tm_201909_order_id_idx on order_item_tm_201909 b_1 (cost=0.42..0.66 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=107950)
Index Cond: (order_id = a.id)
Filter: ((NOT given) AND (order_created_time >= '2019-08-15 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (order_created_time <= '2019-09-11 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ((order_channel)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 0
Buffers: shared hit=432208
Planning Time: 3.050 ms
Execution Time: 236.355 ms
trade_order的下单时间区间为 ['2019-09-01', '2019-09-11'] 但明细表的订单下单时间区间为 ['2019-08-15', '2019-09-11'],这时候我们发现
查询的代价为56920.58,它选择了使用3个并行来加速嵌套循环半连接(Nested Loop Semi Join),这时候的查询好水降为250毫秒左右,对于时间区间完全匹配
-- 订单表
create table trade_order
id bigserial not null,
channel varchar(4) not null,
out_id varchar(100) not null,
shop_code varchar(50) not null,
shop_name varchar(200) not null,
paid_time timestamp null,
buyer_name varchar(200) not null,
buyer_memo varchar(2000) null,
receiver_name varchar(200) not null,
receiver_mobile varchar(20) not null,
receiver_country_code varchar(50) null,
receiver_city_code varchar(50) null,
receiver_province_code varchar(50) null,
receiver_area_code varchar(50) null,
receiver_address varchar(50) null,
receiver_zip varchar(50) null,
status varchar(4) not null,
created_time timestamp not null,
updated_time timestamp not null,
constraint trade_order_pk primary key (id, channel) -- 分区表的分区键必须包含在主键中
) partition by list (channel);
create table trade_order_tm partition of trade_order for values in ('1');
create table trade_order_jd_vip partition of trade_order for values in ('2', '3', '4');
-- 订单明细表
create table order_item
id bigserial not null,
order_id bigint not null,
order_channel varchar(4) not null,
serial int not null,
sku_id varchar(50) not null,
name varchar(200) not null,
quantity int not null,
tag_price decimal(16, 2) not null,
purchase_price decimal(16, 2) not null,
given boolean not null default false,
order_created_time timestamp not null,
order_status varchar(4) not null,
created_time timestamp not null,
updated_time timestamp not null,
constraint order_item_pk
primary key (id, order_channel)
) partition by list (order_channel);
create table order_item_tm partition of order_item for values in ('1');
create table order_item_jd_vip partition of order_item for values in ('2', '3', '4');
-- 创建条件索引
create index trade_order_created_time_index on trade_order (created_time) where status <> '4';
create index trade_order_status_index on trade_order using btree (status) where status <> '4';
create index trade_order_receiver_name_index on trade_order using btree (receiver_name) where status <> '4';
create index trade_order_buyer_memo_index on trade_order using gin (buyer_memo gin_trgm_ops) where status <> '4';
create index order_item_order_id on order_item using btree (order_id) where order_status <> '4';
create index order_item_order_created_time_index on order_item (order_created_time) where order_status <> '4';
create index order_item_order_status_index on order_item (order_status) where order_status <> '4';
create index order_item_given_index on order_item (given) where order_status <> '4';
-- 记录数 1200175
explain ( analyze true , costs , buffers , timing , verbose false )
select count(1)
from trade_order a
where a.channel = '1'
and a.status = '1'
and a.created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'
Finalize Aggregate (cost=56711.26..56711.27 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=278.878..278.879 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=1133803
-> Gather (cost=56710.83..56711.25 rows=4 width=8) (actual time=278.586..314.005 rows=5 loops=1)
Workers Planned: 4
Workers Launched: 4
Buffers: shared hit=1133803
-> Parallel Append (cost=55710.83..55710.85 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=273.406..273.406 rows=1 loops=5)
Buffers: shared hit=1133803
-> Partial Aggregate (cost=55710.83..55710.84 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=273.405..273.405 rows=1 loops=5)
Buffers: shared hit=1133803
-> Parallel Index Scan using trade_order_tm_created_time_idx on trade_order_tm a (cost=0.43..55335.03 rows=150322 width=0) (actual time=0.048..261.075 rows=119865 loops=5)
Index Cond: (created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)
Filter: (((channel)::text = '1'::text) AND ((status)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 150056
Buffers: shared hit=1133803
Planning Time: 0.333 ms
Execution Time: 314.079 ms
explain ( analyze true , costs , buffers , timing , verbose false )
select count(1)
from trade_order a
where a.channel = '1'
and a.status = '1'
and a.created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'
and exists(select 1
from order_item b
where b.order_id = a.id
and b.order_channel = '1'
and b.order_status = '1'
and b.order_created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'
and b.given = true
Aggregate (cost=43894.67..43894.68 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=678.725..678.725 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=445323
-> Nested Loop (cost=42853.74..43143.06 rows=300644 width=0) (actual time=192.187..670.102 rows=92873 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=445323
-> HashAggregate (cost=42853.31..42855.31 rows=200 width=8) (actual time=192.154..219.396 rows=92873 loops=1)
Group Key: b.order_id
Buffers: shared hit=73137
-> Append (cost=0.43..42610.78 rows=97013 width=8) (actual time=0.032..161.060 rows=97692 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=73137
-> Index Scan using order_item_tm_given_idx on order_item_tm b (cost=0.43..42125.71 rows=97013 width=8) (actual time=0.031..150.090 rows=97692 loops=1)
Index Cond: (given = true)
Filter: (given AND (order_created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ((order_channel)::text = '1'::text) AND ((order_status)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 122399
Buffers: shared hit=73137
-> Append (cost=0.43..1.43 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.004..0.005 rows=1 loops=92873)
Buffers: shared hit=372186
-> Index Scan using trade_order_tm_pkey on trade_order_tm a (cost=0.43..1.42 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=1 loops=92873)
Index Cond: ((id = b.order_id) AND ((channel)::text = '1'::text))
Filter: ((created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ((status)::text = '1'::text))
Buffers: shared hit=372186
Planning Time: 0.644 ms
Execution Time: 678.803 ms
-- 记录数 92695
explain ( analyze true , costs , buffers , timing , verbose false )
select count(1)
from trade_order a
where a.channel = '1'
and a.status = '1'
and a.created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'
and a.includes_gift = true
Finalize Aggregate (cost=56113.92..56113.93 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=267.326..267.327 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
-> Gather (cost=56113.49..56113.91 rows=4 width=8) (actual time=267.154..303.035 rows=5 loops=1)
Workers Planned: 4
Workers Launched: 4
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
-> Parallel Append (cost=55113.49..55113.51 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=262.160..262.161 rows=1 loops=5)
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
-> Partial Aggregate (cost=55113.49..55113.50 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=262.156..262.157 rows=1 loops=5)
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
-> Parallel Index Scan using trade_order_tm_created_time_idx on trade_order_tm a (cost=0.43..55057.47 rows=22408 width=0) (actual time=0.089..259.940 rows=18539 loops=5)
Index Cond: (created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)
Filter: (includes_gift AND ((channel)::text = '1'::text) AND ((status)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 251265
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
Planning Time: 0.339 ms
Execution Time: 303.110 ms
create index trade_order_buyer_memo_index on trade_order using gin (buyer_memo gin_trgm_ops) where status <> '4';
explain ( analyze true , costs , buffers , timing , verbose false )
select count(1)
from trade_order a
where a.channel = '1'
and a.status = '1'
and a.created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'
and a.includes_gift = true
and buyer_memo like '%广东省%';
-- 无索引
Finalize Aggregate (cost=56895.98..56895.99 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=248.714..248.715 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
-> Gather (cost=56895.55..56895.97 rows=4 width=8) (actual time=248.700..282.707 rows=5 loops=1)
Workers Planned: 4
Workers Launched: 4
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
-> Parallel Append (cost=55895.55..55895.57 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=243.180..243.181 rows=1 loops=5)
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
-> Partial Aggregate (cost=55895.55..55895.56 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=243.178..243.179 rows=1 loops=5)
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
-> Parallel Index Scan using trade_order_tm_created_time_idx on trade_order_tm a (cost=0.43..55895.25 rows=121 width=0) (actual time=1.101..243.130 rows=87 loops=5)
Index Cond: (created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)
Filter: (includes_gift AND ((buyer_memo)::text ~~ '%广东省%'::text) AND ((channel)::text = '1'::text) AND ((status)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 269717
Buffers: shared hit=1127219
Planning Time: 0.534 ms
Execution Time: 282.775 ms
-- 有索引
Finalize Aggregate (cost=8217.88..8217.89 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=14.852..14.852 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=6979
-> Append (cost=8217.87..8217.88 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=14.846..14.847 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=6979
-> Partial Aggregate (cost=8217.87..8217.88 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=14.846..14.846 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=6979
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on trade_order_tm a (cost=96.30..8216.59 rows=509 width=0) (actual time=2.880..14.792 rows=493 loops=1)
Recheck Cond: (((buyer_memo)::text ~~ '%广东省%'::text) AND ((status)::text <> '4'::text))
Filter: (includes_gift AND (created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ((channel)::text = '1'::text) AND ((status)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 6632
Heap Blocks: exact=6918
Buffers: shared hit=6979
-> Bitmap Index Scan on trade_order_tm_buyer_memo_idx (cost=0.00..96.17 rows=7620 width=0) (actual time=2.048..2.048 rows=7125 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((buyer_memo)::text ~~ '%广东省%'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=61
Planning Time: 0.738 ms
Execution Time: 14.917 ms
查询速度有了明显提升,但是Gin索引是基于相似度匹配的一种索引,它要求待搜索的内容长度必须 >= 3才能进行索引搜索。
Finalize Aggregate (cost=9669.81..9669.82 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=201.025..201.026 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=64248
-> Append (cost=9669.79..9669.80 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=201.017..201.018 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=64248
-> Partial Aggregate (cost=9669.79..9669.80 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=201.016..201.017 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=64248
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on trade_order_tm a (cost=1271.94..9668.42 rows=548 width=0) (actual time=75.892..200.800 rows=576 loops=1)
Recheck Cond: (((buyer_memo)::text ~~ '%广东%'::text) AND ((status)::text <> '4'::text))
Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 74130
Filter: (includes_gift AND (created_time >= '2019-09-21 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ((channel)::text = '1'::text) AND ((status)::text = '1'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 7587
Heap Blocks: exact=63777
Buffers: shared hit=64248
-> Bitmap Index Scan on trade_order_tm_buyer_memo_idx (cost=0.00..1271.80 rows=7849 width=0) (actual time=63.515..63.516 rows=82293 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((buyer_memo)::text ~~ '%广东%'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=471
Planning Time: 0.323 ms
Execution Time: 201.084 ms
我们经过分析与试验得到了一个较优的解决方案:使用分区表 + 条件索引。