To summarize, We have a new CFO, sales are rising steadily. And our merger with xiao ming happens next month.总而言之,我们有一个新的首席财务官,销售稳步上升,并且我们与小米的合并下个月开始
In conclusion, because of rapidly increasing sales, we are open 10 new offices总之由于销售的迅速增长,我们将开设十个新的办公室
Next steps for us or a to come up with ideas from improving moral. email them to me我们所有人下面将要做的事提高士气的主意,把它们发给我,用邮件
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Thank you all for coming today谢谢今天大家的到来
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Does anyone have any other questions?还有其他人有问题吗?
If you think of other questions, just send me an EMAIL如果你想到其他问题,请尽快发邮件给我。