To read about jokes in the land that begat Dorothy Parker, Fred Allen, and Harry Hershfield is to read about neurosis, guilt, and despair.
Dorothy Parker 是美国女诗人,作家。
Fred Allen 是美国喜剧演员。
Harry Hershfield 是美国漫画家。
It would be like when Alvy Singer enlisted Marshall McLuhan to quiet a loudmouth in Annie Hall.
Annie Hall 是伍迪阿伦一部著名的电影。Alvy Singer 是片中的男主角,由伍迪阿伦扮演。Marshall Mcluhan 是加拿大哲学家。
I look like mug-shot Nick Nolte, but without the hair or charisma.
Nick Nolte 是美国电影明星。曾因酗酒醉驾被警方拘留。当时他在警局被拍摄的档案头像,头发凌乱不堪,神情猥琐憔悴,一时在网上疯传。
Before any of you Rush Limbough disciples and dittoheads tune me out or accuse me of blasphemy, you really owe it to yourself to give it all another look.
Rush Limbough 拉什·林博是美国右翼电台主持人和记者,作家,自由意志主义运动者。