- 消费者读取数据,首先判断生产者阻塞队列sendq是否为空,若不为空,说明要么缓冲区满了,要么没有缓冲区,导致生产者阻塞在队列中。
- 判断是否有缓冲区,无缓冲区:从生产者阻塞队列sendq中取出一个G,从G中读取数据,唤醒G。有缓冲区:从buf队首取一个元素,从sendq取出一个G,把G中的数据写入buf队列,唤醒G。
- 生产者队列sendq为空,判断环形队列中是否有元素,有元素:从队列中取一个。无元素:将当前goroutine加入recv,等待被唤醒。
i <- channel
// entry points for <- c from compiled code
func chanrecv1(c *hchan, elem unsafe.Pointer) {
chanrecv(c, elem, true)
func chanrecv(c *hchan, ep unsafe.Pointer, block bool) (selected, received bool) {
// raceenabled: don't need to check ep, as it is always on the stack
// or is new memory allocated by reflect.
if debugChan {
print("chanrecv: chan=", c, "\n")
if c == nil {
if !block {
gopark(nil, nil, waitReasonChanReceiveNilChan, traceEvGoStop, 2)
// Fast path: check for failed non-blocking operation without acquiring the lock.
if !block && empty(c) {
// After observing that the channel is not ready for receiving, we observe whether the
// channel is closed.
// Reordering of these checks could lead to incorrect behavior when racing with a close.
// For example, if the channel was open and not empty, was closed, and then drained,
// reordered reads could incorrectly indicate "open and empty". To prevent reordering,
// we use atomic loads for both checks, and rely on emptying and closing to happen in
// separate critical sections under the same lock. This assumption fails when closing
// an unbuffered channel with a blocked send, but that is an error condition anyway.
if atomic.Load(&c.closed) == 0 {
// Because a channel cannot be reopened, the later observation of the channel
// being not closed implies that it was also not closed at the moment of the
// first observation. We behave as if we observed the channel at that moment
// and report that the receive cannot proceed.
// The channel is irreversibly closed. Re-check whether the channel has any pending data
// to receive, which could have arrived between the empty and closed checks above.
// Sequential consistency is also required here, when racing with such a send.
if empty(c) {
// The channel is irreversibly closed and empty.
if raceenabled {
if ep != nil {
typedmemclr(c.elemtype, ep)
return true, false
var t0 int64
if blockprofilerate > 0 {
t0 = cputicks()
if c.closed != 0 && c.qcount == 0 {
if raceenabled {
if ep != nil {
typedmemclr(c.elemtype, ep)
return true, false
if sg := c.sendq.dequeue(); sg != nil {
// Found a waiting sender. If buffer is size 0, receive value
// directly from sender. Otherwise, receive from head of queue
// and add sender's value to the tail of the queue (both map to
// the same buffer slot because the queue is full).
recv(c, sg, ep, func() { unlock(&c.lock) }, 3)
return true, true
if c.qcount > 0 {
// Receive directly from queue
qp := chanbuf(c, c.recvx)
if raceenabled {
if ep != nil {
typedmemmove(c.elemtype, ep, qp)
typedmemclr(c.elemtype, qp)
if c.recvx == c.dataqsiz {
c.recvx = 0
return true, true
if !block {
return false, false
// no sender available: block on this channel.
gp := getg()
mysg := acquireSudog()
mysg.releasetime = 0
if t0 != 0 {
mysg.releasetime = -1
// No stack splits between assigning elem and enqueuing mysg
// on gp.waiting where copystack can find it.
mysg.elem = ep
mysg.waitlink = nil
gp.waiting = mysg
mysg.g = gp
mysg.isSelect = false
mysg.c = c
gp.param = nil
// Signal to anyone trying to shrink our stack that we're about
// to park on a channel. The window between when this G's status
// changes and when we set gp.activeStackChans is not safe for
// stack shrinking.
atomic.Store8(&gp.parkingOnChan, 1)
gopark(chanparkcommit, unsafe.Pointer(&c.lock), waitReasonChanReceive, traceEvGoBlockRecv, 2)
// someone woke us up
if mysg != gp.waiting {
throw("G waiting list is corrupted")
gp.waiting = nil
gp.activeStackChans = false
if mysg.releasetime > 0 {
blockevent(mysg.releasetime-t0, 2)
closed := gp.param == nil
gp.param = nil
mysg.c = nil
return true, !closed
- 从nil channel中接收数据会永久阻塞,而且不会被select语句选中
- 如果channel未关闭,没有待发送者或者缓冲channel的缓冲区为空的话,不会被select语句选中
- 从已关闭并且缓冲区为空的channel中接收数据的话,会把接收值置为空值,而且可以被select选中
- 如果待发送队列不为空,说明无缓冲或者缓冲已满,对于无缓冲直接从待发送者复制数据到接收者,如果缓冲区已满,那么先将缓冲区中数据复制给接收者,然后将待发送者的数据复制到缓冲区并唤醒发送者
- 只要缓冲区不为空,即使channel已关闭,依然可以从channel中获取到数据
- 如果缓冲为空并且没有待发送者,不会被select语句选中,如果是阻塞接收操作的话,会被阻塞直到channel被关闭或者被发送者唤醒
- 接收者被关闭操作唤醒,那么接收值会被指为空值。
接收操作被select语句选中的情况: - channel已关闭
- 缓冲区有数据
- 待发送队列不为空