- Why do we need positive psychology?
1. 关注那些真正有效的事情。
- The first reason is that it is important to focus on what works, because what works or what we focus on rather creates reality. If we focus on what is working, we'll have more working in our world, more working in ourselves, more working in our relationships.
2. 得到快乐不等同于摆脱痛苦。
- The second reason is that being happy is not just the negation of happiness. It doesn't mean just get rid of depression or anxiety that I'm experiencing I spntaneously become happy.
3. 培养积极心态。
- Finally, the most effective way of preventing hardship is actually by focusing on and cultivating the positive.
- 心理弹性、适应力(resilience, resilient):一种积极适应的模式,即使是面对非常不利或危险的环境。
- 乐观,但不是那种不切实际的盲目乐观。乐观地相信事情会被圆满地解决。
- "Well, it may not work well this time. It will work out later. I have learned from what had just happened."
- 认清自己的长处并加以培养。但是有承认自己的弱点的勇气。
- 拥有理想,面向未来。
- 有一个榜样(role model)。
- Stopping blaming the environment. It is up to you to succeed.
- 停止抱怨别人,自己为自己的生活负责。
- No one is coming. It's up to you to make the most out of your life.不会有别人来救赎你,只有你自己能够改善你自己的生活。