Will招呼Alicia加入了一个案子,案情是一位脱衣舞女Christy被某富家公子Lloyd Mckeon在婚前的单身派对强奸。州检察官拒绝起诉,她只好转向民事起诉。Will试着联系对方律师谈和解,对方给的金额高到吓人——45万美元,条件是保密,对警方也不能提。Christy不想放弃公开的权利,拒绝了和解。
It looks like he could get out of prisonany month now, huh?看来他现在随时可能出狱了啊。
Looks like it.貌似如此。
Early show had a story on it.早间新闻报道了。
Some good stuff on you too.对你也有正面报道。
Did you catch it?你看了吗?
No, I missed it.没有,我错过了。
Yeah, I caught it online. I can send you the link.我在网上看的。我把链接发给你吧。
That’s okay.不用麻烦了。
No, no, no, it’s easy.哪里的话,举手之劳。
This kid doesn’t know what she’s in for… taking on the Mckeon family. 这小姑娘真是不知好歹,敢招惹Mckeon家族。
We need to keep our eye on the ball.我们得关注这案子的发展。
All right, here’s what I think.好吧,我是这么想的。
The Mckeons are gonna want to keep this out of the press, even if he didn't do it. 麦肯家族一定不想让媒体知道这事,即便他没做过。
So my guess is they throw her some cash. 所以我猜他们会扔给那姑娘一些钱
Maybe 50 grand or so to keep her quiet. 可能5万左右作为她的封口费
How are you holding up here?你怎么熬过来的?
I’m holding up.熬着呗。
Then why did she ask for you to be on the case?那她为什么要求你参与这案子?
Come on, you don’t even believe that.拜托,这你也信。
So, we’re willing to make an offer.我们愿意开个价。
It’s nonnegotiable.这是我们的底线。
You have till end of business day.今天以内有效。
Sorry about that.很抱歉
Mckeon's lawyers made a financial offer that Diane and I actually agree on. 麦肯的律师团提出了一个赔偿方案 Diane和我认为可以接受
A first. 只是初步接受
It's a cash settlement. 用现金结算
How flexible are you on confidentiality?你们在保密协议上有多少回旋余地?
Looks like we got a case. 看来我们又有官司要打了。
Look, she lied to us. Why believe her now? 她撒了谎。干吗相信她?
Because she walked away from half a million dollars.因为她拒绝了近50万美元。
And when did she ever lie to us?她什么时候对我们撒过谎?
You know, the more you bonded with these clients, the less helpful you are. 知道吗,你对委托人越有感情,你就越帮不上忙。
Could you come outside for a second?出来一下好吗?
You should know I was holding back.你知道我当时也很犹豫。
But out of compassion, I held back.但出于同情,我没有公之于众。
Happens all the time.这种事屡见不鲜了。【老江湖意料之中的表情】
It’s like it agrees with you.好像事事都挺顺利的
Alicia, would you stop it?别这样行吗?
Don’t ever let your first chair get undercut like that again.再也别让你的首席律师这么难堪了。
Still no luck finding another stripper.还是没找到另一个脱衣舞娘。
That was a great start, huh?开局不错,对吧?
I’ll get that.我去开门。