It's already hard enough to be yourself, even harder to be a female Hip Hop arist. You need to fight against many people or men to expect what a woman is when they spit words.
They don't take it seriously, women might meet more obstacles than man does in this road if she wants to be in this game.
So women are stronger and more determined than men in some way, I think, actually, in most of ways.
When a great female rapper be around, you can feel the gentle and sound atmosphere spread.
It loses your serious face and start to smile. I think that's the magic female can always create so naturally.
I've already downloaded few of her songs. Like I said hundred times, I got say it on more time, glad I chose to watch Rapture this series. Got so inspired and energy can make me feel I want to more to achieve and become one of them who always listen to their own deep voice and just be themselves, then to shine the world.
I keep going and evolutionizing to be a tiger, smile and chill, peace ya'll : )