Macro patience, micro speed. They should not care about the next eight years, but they should stress the next eight days.
At a macro, I think everybody’s super impatient. I think I’m unbelievably patient in years and decades, and unbelievably sporadic and hyper every minute on a day-to-day basis. I genuinely think everybody’s the reverse. Everybody’s making decisions about, like, “What am I going to do at 25? I better do that. . . .” In years, they’re impatient and making dumb decisions, and then in days, they’re watching fucking Netflix. They’re super worried about 25 when they’re 22, yet they’re drinking every Thursday night at 7 P.M. They’re playing Madden. They’re fucking watching House of Cards. They’re spending four and a half hours on their Instagram feed every single day.
Everybody’s impatient at a macro, and just so patient at a micro, wasting your days worrying about years. I’m not worried about my years, because I’m squeezing the fuck out of my seconds, let alone my days. It’s going to work out.
上面这句话来自于 Tim Ferriss 新书Tribe of Mentors,这是对 Gary Vaynerchunk 的采访。
这段话是 Gary 对初入社会的毕业生的建议,指出了我们年轻人身上的缺点,总想着在一两年甚至更短的时间内就达到人生巅峰,获得各种成就。22岁时愁着25岁时的事情,25岁时愁着30岁时的事情,在焦虑的情绪中做着各种愚蠢的决定。而生活中的每一天却过得不紧不慢,该看的电视剧一集不会错过,一刻不停地刷新社交网络,生怕错过一条信息……总觉得成长太慢,总想着改变, 但却总觉得还有时间。等过两年再回首,却发现自己还在原地踏步。
下面这个来自于 Gary Vaynerchunk 的博客。
You are a young man. Building something meaningful, a relationship, a business, it takes 10, 20, 30 years. On your day-to-day work, you have to be fast with the clients, they email you, you email them back.But your vision, what you want to achieve in life, you are not going to build it in one year. So many people have it reversed. In the day-to-day, they’re slow. And in the macro, they want their business to be huge the next day.
Macro patience, micro speed 被翻译成了“战略上要耐心,执行上要高效”。通俗一点儿讲就是对于自己认定的目标与方向要持有长久的耐心,同时要高效完成眼下的事情,高效执行,步步逼近。
毕业仅两年多,但同级同学里面已经出现了分水岭,有的稳扎稳打,有的野蛮粗放……衡量的标准是薪资,而不是所做的事情。分水岭一旦出现,就很容易弄的人心惶惶,很多人开始怀疑自己所做的工作是不是还有意义。刚开始的这两年与过几年之后的两年稍有不同,大多数人还处于找寻尝试的阶段,同时还是磨练心态的过程。大学时,大家的目标、进度都高度一致。但进入社会后,每个人的进度不一样了,方向也千差万别,最后所呈现出来的状态肯定是不一样的。但无论做什么,处于什么阶段,macro patience, micro speed 都值得被我们牢记。
当对自己所做的事情十分坚定,充满了信心时,just keep patient and execute efficiently.